Fourth ~ NighT

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After a few minutes of confusion (shouting), Sophia managed to convince the group that she is their friend by telling them things that only they and Sophia would know (Like the Book of Desires incident).

"So, you're telling us this body is your past life's body, and you reincarnated into a game as Sophia." Geordo clarified.

Sophia nodded.

"And Katarina's the same?"

Another nod.

"Wow." Geordo laughs breathlessly. "Does that mean she thinks of us- our lives, as a game?"

"No!" Sophia shouted. "Katarina would never do that!"

"Mm. She wouldn't." Geordo smiled sadly. "How could I even accuse her of such a thing?"

"You are an idiot. That's why." Keith deadpanned.

"You wound me, future brother-in-law." Geordo taunted.

"Oh, I won't be your brother-in-law, that's for sure. Nor anyone's brother-in-law." Keith smirked.

"Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that, Lord Claes." Mary fired.

"Ohhkay. Before this escalates, let's go back to our topic." Alan breaks the tension. "Sophia. Based on your past life's memories, what was the game about? Maybe it would give us clues on how to get home and wake up Katarina."

Sophia nods, and begins to tell the summary of Fortune Lover. Needless to say, after the summary, the group was furious.

As in, curse the game creators furious.

Goodness, even Mary is fine with assassinating them. She even recommended it!

"So that's why nee-san's always so cautious, even at the smallest of things, she seemed so scared.." Keith mumbled.

"So," Maria piped in. "Sophia, do you remember speaking to us in that window, or not?"

Sophia shook her head. "No, I only recall speaking to the window." She replied. "It is possible that the Atsuko that tried to wake up Katarina is my subconsiousness."

"Subconsiousness?" Geordo asked.

"Yes." Sophia nodded. "It could be my spirit as Sasaki Atsuko that went to Katarina to wake her."

"Ohh..." Truthfully, Geordo did not understand that.

"So now, since no one has any more questions," Sophia gestured around her. "It's time we save Lady Katarina!" She pumped a fist in the air, expecting the others to follow suit.

No one did.

Sophia lowered her arm and slouched dejectedly.

Nicol simply went to her side and patted her back in comfort.

"But how are we going to save Lady Katarina?" Maria asked.

Sophia huffed. "Of course, you are going to befriend her, since here, she doesn't have memories of our time in Sorcier. Or rather, her memories as Katarina is locked up."

"And then we need to get her to remember herself? As Katarina?" Geordo followed.

"Exactly, Prince Geordo!" Sophia pointed at him dramatically.

"Your past life's personality is taking me aback." Geordo sweatdropped.

"So how are we going to get close to Katarina?" Mary asked.

Nicol hummed in thought before turning to his sister. "Is there an academy here?"

Sophia nodded. "Yup! But we call it school. As for what year Katarina is, that would be third year of high school!"

"So we need to get into this 'High School?'" Keith contemplated.

"Indeed! Now, who's with me?!" Sophia pumped her fist in the air once again.

"Me!" Everyone chorused.

"Yeah! I'll save Katarina!" Mary declared. "And then we'll run away!"

"Don't think you would be able to smuggle Katarina out of Sorcier without my knowledge, Lady Hunt!" Geordo retorted.

They were chatting happily about their plans to save Katarina, but Maria still had a concern.

"Um, Lady Sophia?" She spoke.


"How do we get into this 'High School'?"

Reincarnated ~ NighTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang