Chapter 3: Who?

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Mason's POV:

The lights flickered back on. I sighed. Im alive, I thought. The murderer didnt go for me.

I stood up from behind the counter, and saw some others. Charlotte was crying.

"Are you alright?" I asked, walking up to her. "What happened?"

She looked terrified. "M-My..." she began, but burst into tears again.

"Your what?"

Alab was next to her. "Her best friend.... died...." he whispered. "I would show you the body, but its quite disgusting..."

I felt guilty. I knew I wasn't the one behind this, but I couldnt help feeling guilty. "Show me," I replied.

Alab took my hand, and guided me to the bare concrete room. In the middle was a single chair. However, that wasnt it.

Dash's body was torn apart by the side of the chair. Blood spilled everywhere. His head sat upon the chair, a look of pure fear plastered on his face. It was hard to tell, but only he had that hair.

"Oh my god..." I said. I wanted to throw up. It took maximum effort not to do that.

"Hey is anyone- Oh my god!"

Mary stood at the door, mouth agape. "That's brutal!"

I saw another 10 people come to the door. Charlotte wasn't among them.

They looked shocked. Quinn seemed to be sobbing. Soon, some other people were crying and Jian rushed to the bathroom. I bet he threw up.

"Guys, I think we should leave the area. We don't want everyone being sick." said Lara. She didn't seem to care, but I know she did. We all evacuated the room, and went back into the living room. As I went out, Lara stopped me. "Look in your pocket," she whispered, and let me go. I looked in one of my pockets, and found something. One muffin. That proves her innocence.

"Have we got any evidence?" Charlotte asked when we were all sitting down, either on couches or chairs."If not, any suspects?"

"I was with Mary, so it isn't her," Thiago replied. "She didn't move to do something."

"I kinda think its Viola. She has been too quiet," said Quinn. "All she's done is sing"

"Coming from you!" laughed Jian. He's rude to people so often.

"She at least discussed with me!" cried Colleen.

"So we have settled it? We're voting Viola?"

It was only now she stopped daydreaming. "What?" she said.

"Viola, you are suspicious. We have to vote you," said Charlotte. Charlotte had a look on her face that said that she was certain.

"What?!?" Viola yelled. "Why are you accusing me?!?!"

"You didn't speak for ages," Cash explained. "If you are good, we are sorry."

Viola looked stunned. "Vote me if you wish. You'll see in my journal."

"I forgot about those journals!" Lara cried. "How did you know about them without being told?"

"I-I found it lying in a pile in the bedroom. It had my name. The others had your names. I wrote it while you were discussing."

There was a silence for a few moments.

"Alright, its time to vote! The person most voted will be removed from the house!" the speaker called.

"There will be a note on the table, write your suspect and put it in the box! Pretty simple!"

We rushed over. It was quite chaotic, everybody tripping up on the way to the notes, shoving, only 4 or 5 people seemed normal. 'Viola' I wrote. I hoped I was correct.

"You have voted Viola. The houseguest will now be removed."

She began to fade away, and I felt quite alarmed. I thought removing meant they were sent home or something.

Soon, Viola was completely gone. People screamed realizing there was no traces left of the girl.

"Hey look! Her journal!"

A/N: Hey guys. I'm really sorry I haven't been updating. I'll try to update weekly, if not daily. Will Viola be good, or evil? Who can be trusted, and who can't? I hope yall will continue to enjoy this fanfic. 678 words. I will see yall next chapter! Bye for now!

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