Kurfürst's Enemy?

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Kurfürst was enjoying his deep sleep as an angry Z23 slammed the door and let the light of the sun come in.

Kurfürst:"Five more minutes..."

He mumbles while hugging the pillow, until he felt something trying to drag him off.

Z23:"You better get up...!"


He jumped off the bed with an incredible speed, Z23 kept her composure.

Z23:"Bismarck already decided to put you in a mission with the N°82 fleet-"

Z23 said before leaving the room with Kurfürst inside looking around before closing the door.


Kurfürst prepared himself with the classic Iron Blood suit before leaving his room towards the harbor.

The weather was clean and fresh, perfect for a mission.

Kurfürst after some minutes, finally found his new fleet, there was his massive ship while some ships were looking at it.


Kurfürst got closer and looked at them smiling at his massive ship.

Kurfürst:"My ship is beautiful isn't it-?"

One of them immediately turned around and faced them crossing her arms

???:"Well excuuuuse me! My ship is waaaay better than yours!"

Kurfürst looked at her a bit.

Kurfürst:"I'm not sure about that-"

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Kurfürst:"I'm not sure about that-"

He replied while looking at her main guns until you heard a giggle.

Kurfürst:"Prinz Eugen-"

Kurfürst suddenly felt a hug behind him.

Prinz Eugen:"Guten Tag Kurfürst~, Guten Tag Schwester~"

???:"Just call me Admiral Hipper you baka-!"

Hipper tried to hit Prinz before Kurfürst stopped both of them

Kurfürst:"Stop playing around and let's do whatever mission we have girls-"

They both nodded before we started our riggings and went full speed in the middle of the ocean.

Prinz Eugen:"The Mission is simple, we need to intercept the cargo ship of the Royal Navy"

Kurfürst had some memories about his past before returning to his mind.

Hipper:"You better live for Bismarck-!"

Kurfürst:"Everyone knows this..?"

Prinz Eugen nodded as Kurfürst covered his face a bit.

A Legendary battleship / Male Reader Großer Kurfürst x Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now