Chapter 1

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"Don't wander to far out Izuku" his father told him.

So, what did he do? He wandered to far out. Now he is in a crowd out reporters being shoved over and over again. Izuku really didn't like crowds, they scared him to no end. The way people pushed up against each other, not even batting an eye at the people getting shoved into them. He really didn't like crowds. 

Suddenly, so kid that looks like a robot grabs him by the hand and drags him into this weirdly shaped school.

The robot kid kept walking, and walking,...and walking. The hallways mushing together in his brain, leaving no room for him to remember what way the exit was. Soon, robot man stopped and turned to him. "Please make sure to get to your classroom on time." He said as he walked away. Now Izuku is all alone in these giant, wide...hallways. The hallways were to big for him, and he wondered why. He also wondered why the school was shaped so weirdly, and what school he was in.

Izuku decided to do the reasonable thing and look for a map to find the exit of this giant maze of a school. So, he started walking to no where, hoping that he'd find a map. He kept walking, holding on to the very little hope he had of getting out of here. As a glitch in training, he should know where to go! He should just ask Static if they know where he is. But then he remembers that Static wasn't here today, so he couldn't ask for help.

Long story short, Izuku didn't find a map, but a...rat thing? He doesn't really know what it is, but it's something important because the rat thing was wearing a suit. That means he must be very important. Important enough to where a suit.

Izuku chose not to go near this...strange being, and walk down a new hall, still hoping that he'd find a map or something that'll tell him where the exit is. As he was walking down the halls, Izuku found a door labeled 'Teacher's lounge' so he thought that maybe they'll help him find a way out of this game of hide 'n' seek. After all, they should know the school like the back of their hands.

Izuku opened the door, looking around. He found some of the teachers in some table doing paperwork. Red pens were scattered around carelessly, paper after paper stacked on top of each other.

"And what do you think you're doing here little listener? You should be in class." A blond headed teacher said as he moved his glasses up to his eyes. He reminded Izuku of a cockatoo a bit. The black haired person looked up at him, he looked like a big grumpy cat. He then looked back to the papers he was grading and started grading them again.

"I-I...I'm not suppose to be here" Izuku said, his voice barley above a whisper.

"Yes, you're not suppose to be in the teacher's lounge, and while you're suppose to be in class you little listener."

"N-no, I'm not s-suppose to be here." 

"I'll just take you to class myself then."

"W-wait! I-I'm not s-suppose to be a-at this scho-"

The blond was not listening was he just dragged Izuku into some gen ed class. The hallways started mushing together again, and now Izuku didn't know where the teachers lounge was any more. "It seems like a student of yours was trying to get out of class." The blond said as closed the door to the classroom. 

"Well, sit down." The bright blue haired teacher said. 

Izuku did as he was told, sitting next to a lavender haired boy. He hair seemed to not obey the laws of gravity. It was fluffy looking.

The eggplant colored hair kid looked at him in surprise, not expecting someone to sit next to him, Izuku guesses. The teacher started taking about the mixtures and compounds of the elements, some kids not getting what was going on. Some kid was really struggling on what formed the energy, and the teacher said "figure it out yourself." And went on her merry way.

"You know what an atom is right?" Izuku asked the kid, who conveniently sat to his left as the lavender haired kid sat on his right.

"Yeah" the kid said back, his white haired flowed around from the wind, making him look beautiful. However, where did that wind come from?

  "Elements are made from a atom. A single atom, not multiple." Izuku told him, hoping the teacher wouldn't catch on to what he was doing.

"Oh, thank you!" The boy replied, looking proud that he finally knew the answer and could shove it in his teachers face.


Izuku just looked at the sheet that had been handed out, took one look at it, and filled in all the blanks that were left on the paper. Mind you, he was the same age as the students in this school, and he's pretty small he just barley passes the 'really short teenager' look. Izuku just had a look of time on his hands, as he was homeschooled for 7 years. So, he learned everything from his parents. His parents thought it would be better if he finished school pretty early so he could start his training as a...glitch.

Anyway, he was really smart so he knew what the answers were. And before you ask, yes his clothes aren't the UA school uniform, but luckily today was one of the free days where kids get to where what the want. Unfortunately, that meant Izuku really looked like some lost teenager trying to find his way to class.

Izuku handed in his paper to the teacher, waiting for her to let him give it to her.

"Hmm?" She hummed our as she looked up at the boy...well, more like a little bit up, but that doesn't matter right now.

"I f-finished the paper" Izuku stuttered out, trying to make sure the teacher knows what he was saying.

"Have you now?" She said as she raised one of her bushy eyebrows. "Let me see it" She said to him. Izuku did as he was told again and gave the teacher the paper with his neat handwriting. 

"Go sit back down." 

Izuku went to go sit down, following her orders like a little puppy. He dosen't want to get hit like his other teachers. Izuku shivers as he remembers what happened when he was 9.

Xx—xx-| Flashback time |-xx—xX

Izuku sits, hunched up in the corner, waiting for his teacher to get him out of this closet.

Izuku didn't like closets anymore. They were cold, dark, and humid. Overall, they were really scary. 

He heard some movement coming from outside his door. It might as well be his from the amount of times Izuku has been thrown in here. The door suddenly flings open, reveling a tall, emotionless teacher. Ms. Prink. 

Ms. Prink looked at him, her short red hair glowing. Her quirk let's any part of her body get really hot, so you can almost imagine the pain Izuku went through on a daily basis. 

Ms. Prink grabbed his arm, pulling him out from his cold and humid prison. She made her hands very hot, to the point where they looked like a glowing red color. Ms. Prink looked at him for half a second before slapping him, twice. 

"GET YOUR WORK DONE QUICKER!" She yelled at him, punching him in the gut for good measure.

Izuku never wanted to go back to school after that.

Xx—xx-| Flashback time over |-xx—xX

Izuku couldn't help but flinch when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked to his right, seeing the purple haired kid was the one who put his hand on him. He said the words that Izuku never wanted to hear. Well, not really 'said' but you get the point.

"Are you okay?" The boy signed to him. 'wonder why he's signing' Izuku thought.

"Uh-...n-ye...y-yes I am...?"

"Are you sure?"

Izuku couldn't take anymore of the questions. He felt like he was about to break charater and cry his heart out to this purple haired person. 


Izuku was cut off by the bell, signaling that it was time for lunch. 

Saved by the bell.

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