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      One of the first rules they set up in the dorm is namely this: Clean up your own mess or so help me I'll burn your stuff next time I find it on the living room floor. This is also one of the few rules they've established that no one has yet broken-- none of the members are willing to risk Hoseok's clean-freak wrath. Their rooms can be pigsty's for all anyone cares, but as long as the common areas stay clean, no one complains (and no one's stuff burns).

      Hyora is one of the sole reasons why this rule hasn't yet been "broken". Over the five years the group has lived together, she's found more than one stray item abandoned on the couch at 1am. It's honestly a miracle that Hobi hasn't spotted one of the spare socks that always end up on the hallway floor. She knows the boys never leave their stuff laying around on purpose-- but sometimes they're so exhausted that they don't have the energy to change into pajamas before falling into bed, much less to put their possessions in the proper places. So whenever Hyora finds a misplaced coat hanging off the armchair, or a forgotten pair of earbuds on the kitchen table, she always quietly puts them away, and goes about her day. It's the least she can do for her hard working boys.

      No matter how much it makes her smile when Jimin teases her about being their stand-in "mom", Hyora has her limits-- she's family, not their maid. They're grown men, and they know how to work hard and still be able to take care of themselves. Even if her boys weren't as responsible as they are, there's no way Hyora would ever clean something that's their responsibility; if their rooms are a mess, they'll have no one to blame but themselves. (Hyora's never touching Namjoon's chaotic swamp of a home with a ten-foot-pole.) But sometimes after an especially grueling couple of days-- Hyora wants to help them out, if only a little.

      Hyora genuinely loves helping them whenever she can. She loves being productive and feeling useful, and on top of that, she finds cleaning to be very soothing. Getting an appreciative smile and a warm hug definitely incentivizes the deal, but even if her boys don't notice that she's done something for them, Hyora still feels just as good. Just the thought that she's made their lives a little easier makes her chest feel warm and fuzzy.

      For the past few days, Yoongi and Hoseok have been swamped in an endless stream of paperwork, filming, and perfecting their art (a brain-child of Hobi at the moment). The state of their laundry hampers reflect the amount of work they've had in the past five days-- way past the point of being too full to fit anything else. Hoseok has almost always done his own laundry. Being the resident clean freak, he loves having all his things perfectly washed and organized. Yoongi's no slacker either (after six years of marriage, Hyora would know). But right now Hyora's sure they would greatly appreciate all the help they can get.

      A couple of years ago Hyora would've been too terrified to touch their things without permission-- Hoseok's things especially-- but now she's confident enough to know neither of them will care (heck, Yoongi's been professing that everything that belongs to him belongs to her too since before they were married). With a determined huff, Hyora pulls herself away from the subtitles she was editing and towards Yoongi's overflowing laundry hamper in the front corner of their walk-in closet.

      It's an easy decision to wash the black clothes first-- they easily take up more than half of the hamper-- and Hyora's sure Hobi has a decent amount of black garments too. She tosses the pieces she finds into the easy-to-carry basket Jimin picked out in 2015, wrinkling her hose at a pair of socks that (judging by the smell) Yoongi most definitely wore to yesterday's intense six hour dance rehearsal.

      It doesn't take long before the basket is two-thirds full, and the hamper is a little more than half full. Hyora nods to herself and calculates how many loads it's going to take to wash all of Yoongi and Hobi's laundry-- three loads, give or take. Not too many. With a smile Hyora heaves the heavy basket up onto her hip and waddles out of the room. She cautiously shuffles down the hallway, trying her best not to bump into any doorknobs or trip over the rug in front of the bathroom. The little room they designated for laundry and cleaning supplies is at the very end of the hall, and Hyora awkwardly turns the basket in her arms to fit through the narrow open doorway, mentally berating Jimin for choosing an oblong-shaped basket.

      With a huff and a small amount of strain (the boys always tease Hyora for her small arms, but it's not her fault she was born with such a petite frame!) she manages to safely set the basket down in front of the washer. Without further adieu, Hyora throws the washing machine door open and tosses all of Yoongi's things inside, pausing only to unroll a couple of socks and turn a zippered jacket inside out so it won't catch on anything else. When all the items are safely inside and the machine's door is shut, Hyora hauls the much easier-to-carry basket over her shoulder and turns back down the hall to Hobi's room.

      Hyora's sure that the amount of black clothing in Hobi's hamper will be significantly less than the amount Yoongi had in his (the resident sunshine boy prefers brighter colors, after all) so she muses that she will probably be able to carry it all without the help of the cumbersome basket. But to be honest... she'd rather touch the boys' dirty laundry as little as possible. Hyora's not squeamish, but-- no thanks. She sticks with the bulky basket.

      Hyora shuffles along the hallway, too tired to properly pick up her fuzzy-socked feet. She's been working nearly as many hours as the boys have, and even though she usually finishes her workload a half hour or so before the boys finish theirs, she rarely ever goes home without them. It's not like she could fall asleep without Yoongi beside her anyway. Hyora's work, mainly producing music with her husband and adding the cute subtitles onto their videos, is much less physically taxing than a lot of the things her boys have to do. She can't imagine how exhausted they must feel when she feels downright dead on her feet.

      She shuffles a little faster at the thought of crawling into bed as soon as Yoongi gets home. If she finishes the laundry as quick as she can, she might be able to finish a load only a couple minutes after the boys get home. Yoongi texted her not long ago that they're finishing up, so Hyora's sure they shouldn't take more than another twenty to thirty minutes.

      Hoseok's well-oiled door opens without so much as a squeak, and Hyora waltzes right in without a second thought. Mind focused on her task, she doesn't glance around the room before turning towards where she knows Hobi hides his laundry hamper in the very back of his closet. A loud gasp startles Hyora out of her haze-- and Hyora whips her head around in shock to spot a pretty woman sitting on the edge of Hoseok's bed.

      Sasaeng is the first thought that pops into Hyora's mind when she spots the dolled-up woman who looks a couple years younger than her, and she stumbles backward in abject fear. Hyora's crossed paths with her fair share of sasaengs in the past five years-- the majority of them at airports, in hotels, and on flights-- and each experience always seems to be worst than the last, as the boys' popularity continues to skyrocket. The thought of someone discovering and invading their private home is horrifying, but before Hyora can fully panic and call security, the woman opens her mouth.

       "Who the h**l are you?"

      AN: Before I get any questions-- I censor h**l because I personally find it offensive.

      Also-- I've been thinking of starting commissions. Would anyone be interested, or am I just shooting into the dark lol

      I've been considering vacating to ao3... wattpad drives me nuts these days :/ 

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