Chapter 9 Do You Love Me?

Start from the beginning

"Okay. See you then" Elena then hangs up on me. I'm surprised. Talk? What do we need to talk about? I think. I get out of the bed and go down the stairs, grabbing my keys and walking out of my house, locking the door behind me.

*Break In Time*

"Okay, sit down, please" Elena tells me when I am in her living room. I nod and sit down. Jeremy sits in the chair to the side of the couch and Elena stands, pacing in front of me.

"Elena? Elena? ELENA!" I shout and she stops pacing.

"Sorry" she apologizes.

"It's okay. Now, what's this about? What do we need to talk about?" I ask. Elena sits down beside me.

"Cassie...we have to tell you something. The reason we decided on telling you is that, well, you're going to find out eventually, so here it goes. The world you live's not the type of world you think. It's a lot different from what you think it is" Elena says. I look at her confused. What the hell is she talking about? I think. Then realization hits me. she seriously trying to tell me about vampires and werewolves and witches like this? Wow... "There are things in this world you don't know about" she continues.

"Elena, I know what you're talking about. Trust me" I say, trying to stop her.

"Cassie, no you don't. Trust me. There is a lot you don't know" Elena says. I stand up.

"Elena, I know about the supernatural world" I say. Elena stands up and stares at me, mouth open. Jeremy looks up at me with surprise.

"H-how? Your human...aren't you?" Elena asks. I laugh.

"Not at all" I say.

"Then what are you?" Stefan asks, coming into view. Elena and Jeremy jump, but I don't because I knew he was there. I turn and look at him.

"You really want to know?" I ask. Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy all nod. "Elena, you wouldn't have a basement, would you?"

"Huh?" Elena asks.

*Break In Time*

A half hour later I was still being asked questions but just by Elena. Stefan and Jeremy had run out of questions 10 minutes ago. And Elena had just asked what they were all wondering.

"How old are you?" I sigh and chuckle.

"You know, it's not polite to ask a woman her age" I say and Elena just stares at me. I sigh. "Okay okay. I'm...645" Elena's mouth falls open again. This time though, Jeremy and Stefan follow suit, all three of their mouths hanging open. Jeremy is the first to recover.

"Is that why...why you turned me down?" he asks. I sigh.

"My species and my age are two of the reasons I have" I say.

"What are the others?" he asks.

"You shouldn't ask questions you don't wanna know the answer to Jer" I say, thinking of what happened with Damon last night. Jeremy goes quiet. Stefan recovers next.

"You're really that old?" he asks. I stare at him like Really?

"That's a kind of rude way to put it but yes. I'm really that old Stefan" I say. I look at Elena and say "You should close your mouth. You'll catch flies" Elena snaps her mouth shut.

"Okay well since you know about vampires and stuff, we should tell you something" Elena says. I nod.

*Break In Time*

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