Luke- second chance

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"Yeah boys!" I yelled clapping at my boys taht had just finished there sound check. They were playing at the orpheum tonight and i couldn't be more happy for them.

Luke sent me a wink before jumping off the stage and running to me giving my a big kiss. "You are going to kill it tonight." I told him.

He bit his lip and smiled at me, "I always kill it when your here Baby."

My face dropped and I looked down at the floor anxiously. "What?" He asked.

"I-I I can't come tonight." I whispered almost barley audioable.

"What!" He yelled. I flinched at the sound of his voice, I knew this was coming.

"My moms taking me to her house today so I can finish packing." My parents had filed for divorce and my dad loved her while my mom moved to Arizona. I insisted on living with my dad full time so I could be closer to luke.

"Tell her you can't!" He argued.

"Tomorrow's the last day she has the house and i have to go tonight. In an hour." I said.

He scoffed, "unbelievable. You knew how important it was for you to be here. For you to support me. Your always gone on all my shows! Your never here."

"I know Luke. But I'm moving here permanently! No leaving ever two weeks To go to my moms and coming back. I'm doing this for us. For our future. I'm sure you will play the Orpheum another time as the headliner." I tried to reason with him.

"Not our future any more y/n." He scoffed before turning around on his heals and heading back towards the stage.

"Luke!" I yelled tears falling down my face.

"No y/n I hate you. It's over with okay? You knew how special this was for me! Do what you do the best and leave." He yelled.

My throat caught in the back of my throat and my lip quivered lightly.

"Dude harsh." Reggie said.

I turned quickly on my heal and jogged out of the autorium and onto the side walk. I closed my eyes and wondered what just happened.

I heard the doors open and shut and I hope it was Luke but I turned around and it was Alex.

He looked at me sadly before wrapping his arms around me. I tried to hold in my emotions but failed as I sobbed into Alex's shirt.

"It's okay. He'll come around. All our emotions are high tonight." Alex said softly.

"No Hes right. I've been a terrible girlfriend. That was the first time I've seen you guys perform in months." I sobbed.

Alex pulled away and used his thumbs to wipe the tears form under my eyes. "It'll be okay. He'll call you in the morning and he'll take the first bus to Arizona in the morning."

I sniffled lightly and nodded. "Break a leg up there tonight okay?"

Alex smiled "we always do."

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