"It's Okay"

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We aren't allowed to be upset anymore

We have to be okay

Or at least let ourselves be told its okay

But it's not

It's not all okay

Things are very, very wrong

We have no control

We can't change anything

But, hey, it's all okay

I feel like I can't just be sad

Just be upset, angry, unwell

Without being told it's okay

I don't normally mind

It can be helpful and feel kind

It's not all bad

But so often I feel like something is wrong

Yet I feel I can't feel or mention it

Because "it's okay"

When upsetting things only happen

Once or twice a week

It's okay to be told it's okay

But when upsetting things are happening

By the day, by the hour

It's not okay, it just isn't

And being told that

"It's all okay" "It's all going to be okay"

Sounds like just repeating the line until it feels real

It's not that there's anything wrong

With trying to feel reassured

But it's happening so often

Why do we keep saying "it's okay"

When it's clearly not

When we clearly need to be upset

It looks like the end of the world

And all I can do is keep telling myself and others

The same thing over and over

"It's going to be okay"

September Writing 2020Where stories live. Discover now