Lesson Four Chapter Thirty - Up The Stairs (2)

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"W-Well... Can you lend me your copy of the TSL soundtrack?" I put my hands together as I bow in front of Levi. I felt like a dick for doing this after forming a pact with him but the voice calling out for me is too much for me to just ignore.

"AHA! I knew it! I knew no one would actually WANT to make a pact with me. Not like this is surprising or anything. Well, I don't know what you're planning on doing with my record, but... just don't sell it, understand?" Levi reluctantly agreed to lend me his TSL soundtrack and I felt happy he didn't refuse.

"You'd better give it back when you're done, is that clear? If you touch it, make sure to wipe off any fingerprints. And no eating potato chips and stuff when you handle it. It's super, super rare, so you'd better not lose any of the inserts or the sleeve or anything!" Levi then gave me the vinyl and I was surprised that he had it on him.

I've finally gotten my hands on the cursed vinyl edition of The Tale of the Seven Lords soundtrack. Now then, time to get this to Lucifer and find out if the voice coming from upstairs is a ghost... I should probably take something to protect me but would they even have anything to protect me? Ugh... Going in blind then...

"U-Um... Levi... If it is not any problem with you I would like it if we could watch some anime with each other... I mean if that is cool with you..." I was looking down at the vinyl in my hand as I awkwardly asked Levi this. I didn't know if he would accept my request or not. We weren't that close to each other but he was the only person (demon) here who was into anime like me.

"Is this a trick or something? You actually want to hang out with me? Do you want something else from me?" Levi was looking at me with suspicious eyes and I guess I couldn't blame him for doubting my reason why I wanted to hang out with a person who almost killed me.

"No! I-I really want to have someone I can watch anime with. I usually watch it by myself back at home and I feel really excited if I could see the anime you watch here. I really like TSL and I want to learn more about it if it is fine with you..." I do want to become closer friends with Levi since he was someone who also enjoyed anime. It would be nice if we could talk about our favorite ones with each other.

"Fine but I am not doing this because I like you normie. I am doing this to show off my many anime collections which you should be honored looking at." Levi spoke in a standoffish way but I could see a slight blush on his cheek. He then left the room at a rather quick pace.

Well, at least now I have someone to watch anime with. Maybe we could even have a great relationship like Henry and the Lord of Shadow!

With a pep in my step, I went off to find Lucifer in the house to give him the vinyl. It took me a while but I figured out he was in his room now. I was a bit nervous about knocking on the door but I did it anyway.

"The door's open. Come in." Getting the okay from Lucifer I opened the door to his room and went in. I tried not to look around his room too much but I noticed that it gave off a rather noble gothic look.

"Ah, Yuki, it's you. Today really was quite the disaster, wasn't it? But despite all that happened, you should know that Levi's not normally like that. He may be a high-ranking demon, but he's quite harmless by nature. Try not to hold it against him. So, tell me, what brings you here at this hour?" Lucifer was sitting on a couch that was in his room and even though he was sitting down it still felt like he was towering over me.

Taking a deep breath I got closer to him and handed him the vinyl copy of the TSL soundtrack. Lucifer took it with a curiously raised eyebrow.

"Wh...! Is this what I think it is?!... Ah, now I get it. So, this is why you wanted to make a pact with Levi. Do you realize what it is you've got here, what this represents?" Lucifer was looking at the vinyl in his hand with a strange look in his eyes.

"No, I actually don't." I wonder what was so special about that vinyl. I knew it was a copy of the TSL soundtrack and that it was super rare but why does Lucifer like it so much?

"I don't imagine you would. This isn't any ordinary soundtrack, you see. There's quite a history to it. I don't have any particular interest in The Tale of the Seven Lords as a story. No... What interests me is the person who served as the first composer for the TSL movies. You see, the composer I speak of is dead now. He killed himself. The final song he wrote before his death was meant to be used in the scene where the Lord of Corruption puts a curse on the heroes. But due to the composer committing suicide, they decided not to use that track. They saved it, but didn't release it to the public. However, a group of diehard fans pooled their own funds and had a very limited number of vinyl editions produced. As you might have guessed by now, this record is one of the few that were created. However, all of the people involved in its creations, as well as every single person who owned a copy of it, ended up dying mysteriously. So, people started saying the record itself was cursed. I heard that all of these had been destroyed." Lucifer spoke casually about the vinyl but I could feel myself getting cold. I-Is there a ghost trapped in the vinyl?! Is he killing anyone who has it?! Am I going to die!?

"But all this time, Levi had a copy. I had no idea. All right, I'll go ahead and take this. We'll consider it payment for saving you earlier. Still, I really do appreciate you bringing this to me. I think I'll spend tonight savoring every last note of this music here... which means I probably won't be able to bring myself to leave my room tonight. You see, we demons can't resist temptation. Where there's something we really want staring us in the face, we have to have it. That's simply how we are. Right now what I want is to stay up all night listening to this record. I can't help it... I have to do it. But don't think that means you're free to climb the stairs to the attic, Yuki. That place is off-limits. Well then, good night." Lucifer waved his hand at me, telling me I could leave. I left the room quickly so I wouldn't be in the same place as that cursed vinyl. I really hope you only die once you listen to the music and not by touching it.

I was going to go back to my room but I quickly went in the direction of the staircase. I could hear Lucifer's voice telling me I shouldn't go upstairs but it was being silenced by the voice calling out for help.

I finally reached the stair again and I was looking at it nervously. Lucifer has expressly forbidden me from going past this point. Hesitating for a second I decided to walk up the stairs. I was holding on to the handrail as I went up the stairs since my ankle was still in pain from early today.

My heart was beating fast as I went up the stairs Lucifer forbidden me from going up. It felt like forever as I climb these stairs but I finally stopped in front of a door. I could hear a whisper of a voice calling out for me beyond the door so I decided to open the door up.

Author Note - I am done with this chapter! I am also currently doing Satan birthday event! I totally forgot his birthday was during the same month as me. What an interesting thing. But anyway I can't wait for my birthday since that means I get to eat what I want and get money from most of my relatives! But enough of that and back to the chapter. I do hope that you enjoyed it and that you are safe and healthy (especially with how dumb our president is acting... Real life right now is hella depressing~). Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆

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