Lesson 6 Chapter 53 - Sometimes There Is Comfort in Dreams - Intermission (1)

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After making a pact with Beel, he decided to take me out to eat so that he could thank me. I didn't feel like he needed to do this for me but he insisted so now I am out with him getting something to eat.

"Have anything off the menu you want, Yuki. You said that the only thing you wanted was to make a pact with me, but I don't feel like that's enough. So order whatever you want. Anything at all" Beel push the menu towards me and I picked it up so I could see what I wanted to eat. Most of the food was a bit weird since it was for demons but I kind of guess what they were with the pictures from the menu.

"Right, don't mind if I do! Time to order big... really big!" Mammon also grabbed a menu and was looking through it while humming happily. I couldn't help but look at him from the corner of my eye and frown at him. He really just followed us when he heard that Beel would be paying...

"Ooh, they have food from the human world...! Like this here. This is what Minoka ate in Help! I'm an Evil Overlord! - How Discovering That My Classmate Was a Witch Set Me on a Course to Become Supreme Ruler of Another Dimension. They actually have it here...!" Levi was pointing at something in the menu and shaking my shoulder. I was trying not to drop my menu as I tried to find some human-world food for me to eat.

"I said I was taking Yuki out to eat, not you guys. So, why are you two here?" Beel frowned at his brothers, not seeming happy with them following us to this restaurant. I don't even remember when they even joined us.

"Hey, come on. What's the harm in havin' us tag along, huh? Don't be such a killjoy!" Mammon pats Beel on the shoulder as he said this. I just knew he was just here with us because he didn't have to waste his money.

"Order first, we should. Talk later, we can." I tried not to laugh at Levi's expression of Yoda. I was biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't let out a loud laugh in this restaurant.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not paying for either of you guys." Beel was staring directly at Mammon as he said this and I knew he was mostly saying this to Mammon.

"Now come on, Beel. Even if there were ten of us here with you, we still wouldn't be able to eat as much as you do on your own. Payin' for us won't set ya back that much." Mammon was moving Beel back and forth as he tried to convince Beel to pay for his meal.

"It's not about the money. But I'm still not paying." Beel slapped Mammon's hand off of him and ignored Mammon's shout of pain.

"Begin by ordering drinks, I will." Levi was still doing his Yoda voice and I was shaking from the laughter I was holding in. Mammon looked at Levi with a raised eyebrow as he was confused with the way Levi was talking. "You turnin' into one of you 2D characters again, Levi?"

After A Few Moments...

"...Mmm, interesting. So you're hopin' to get Lucifer and Belphie to make up, huh?" Mammon crossed his arms over his chest as he repeated what Beel just told them after we finished eating. I mean.. it not fully a lie but I could feel my eye twitch as I kept the full truth to myself.

"And that's why you decided you'd make a pact with Yuki, Beel?" Levi looked over to Beel as he asked him this. I mean he made a pact with me to thank me for protecting him. I just told him... a little half-truth about the reason why I wanted to make a pact with him.

"Well, that's not the only reason, but yeah, we both want the same thing." Beel nodded his head as he told Levi this as I was trying my best not to look like I was hiding anything when Beel said we both had the same common goals.

"Yuki, do ya really think you can do this? I mean, we're talkin' about Lucifer here." Mammon was giving me a look and I could understand why he was doubting me a bit. I was doubting myself as well.

"I know I can do it." I was lying but they don't have to know that at all. I was nervous about figuring out how to have Lucifer agree to make a pact with me... He would be suspicious of me after all.

"I've always thought it was impossible, I gave up on trying. But if you never try, you're guaranteed not to succeed, right?" Beel was smiling in my direction and I felt like I was a fake. I don't even know if I could even get a pact with Lucifer in the end...

"If you ask me, there's no chance this'll work." Mammon still was doubtful about this working out and Levi nodded his head in agreement with what Mammon said. "This isn't a game you can win."

"This is a family issue that affects all of us brothers. But think about it: has anyone ever tried to solve it, whether it was us or anyone else? Who's ever offered to help those two make up?" Beel looked at his brothers as he asked them this and Mammon kind of lowered his head.

"No one, I guess." Mammon rubs the back of his neck as he says this and Levi agrees with him right away. "Nope, nobody."

"Sure, this might be impossible. We might end up giving up and accepting that it won't happen. But we can at least give it a shot before deciding it can't be done. It doesn't hurt to try." Beel's expression was serious as he told his brothers this and they both grew quiet as they looked back at him.

"...Well, now that ya put it that way, I guess I could help out. I mean, I can't deny that this thing with Lucifer and Belphie affects all of us." Mammon finally nodded his head in agreement to what Beel said and after a few moments, Levi nodded his head as well. "...Agreed."

"Then it's settled." Beel was happy as he smiled at his two brothers and with that, Mammon and Leviathan have now joined me on my quest to smooth things over between Lucifer and Belphegor.

Author Note - I am back and I didn't update for a while. It was mostly because I was focusing on doing other stuff and I didn't have enough time to update but finally got this chapter done! Anyway, there is just one more chapter of lesson six and it onto lesson seven! Well, I hope this chapter was enjoyable and that you are safe physically and mentally. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆

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