Home Sweet Home

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Your awaken the next day by a persistant yet soft knock on the door. Considering you weren't meant to be at the beach until  much later, you rub the sleep out of your eyes, sitting up in bed.

"I got it" Jimin murmurs, his hair sticking up wildly from his sleep. He crawls out of bed and is greeted by Yeontan excitedly running around his feet.

You giggle, your voice still deep from sleep and bend down to scoop the dog up so Jimin can get the door.

Yeontan immediately runs all over the bed, trampling over Tae and licking his face. He groans in his sleep, rolling over to avoid the dog's insistant licking. He hisses between his teeth to stop the dog but he continues to  be really cute, licking and nose butting Tae's face until he wakes up.

"Tannie~" Tae whines, opening his eyes to stop the dog. He looks so adorable that you smile while you watch the interaction.

You turn to see who was at the door, but see Namjoon walking into the room.

"Everything okay?" You move to stand up at seeing the look on his face.

"Change of plans, again" he rubs the back of his neck and looks at you apologetically.

"No beach today?" You sigh when he nods. "I understand, really. You don't have to feel so guilty about having the busy life you do, Joonie. I knew what i was signing up for when i started this"

"Still, we would have loved for you to meet you our families." Jimin speaks up, crawling back in bed.

"There's plenty of time for that, promise. When do we leave?"

"As soon as everyone is ready"

Tae and Jimin, who are obviously used to this, Jump up immediately. Tae takes a shower first, then you, then Jimin.

You decide to not bother looking cute as the rest of your day will probably be on a plane, so you blow dry your hair, brush it out and put on a pair of Tae's sweats and one of his shirts, after donning a clean pair of panties and some pads from your bag.

You come out of the bathroom to find all of the guys there, packed and waiting for you. They give you apologetic looks, but you smile.

"Let's get this bread" you use Jungkook's line against him, making everyone laugh, easing the tension.

They all put on hats and masks, you included and before you know it you are all leaving the hotel and arriving at the airport.

The cars pull around to where the private jet was waiting and you all climb out, surprisingly there's no reporters so you all get on rather quickly.

"Where are we going first?" You ask Namjoon after everyone settles into the same seats you arrive at. Tae being late as he had to wait for his parents to come pick up Tannie, gets the bed.

"California" Namjoon replies, dimpling at you.

Ahh.. going home feels so strange now. You think to yourself as nervous butterflies flutter in your stomach. You haven't been to see your eomma's grave since that day. 

Jungkook takes the seat beside you as the plane takes off, his long hair blocking his eyes. You're thankful for the distraction.

"You want me to put it up?" You grab an extra hair tie out of your bag and he nods, turning in his seat so you can reach.

You carefully gather his hair, leaving his bangs as he likes it and tie his hair into a mini ponytail. When your finished you take a picture so he can see it.

"Thank, Noona" he bunny smiles at you and kisses you before you can reply.

You smile into the kiss then pull away. You grab a blanket from the compartment and then toss it over you and Jungkook.

"You can keep me company, you look exhausted so let's take a nap"

He excitedly nods his head, always ready to take another nap. You both move the arm rests and snuggle closer under the blanket and fall asleep in no time.


The next 18 or so hours is spent in the plane.  After frequent stops to refuel, stock up on food and let everyone stretch out, you arrive in your hometown of Anaheim, California.

~a/n: i'm not from there if anyone wondered, i simply picked a place at random~

Everyone climbs into the rental cars, jet lag making everyone worn out so no one fusses when it comes to who is sitting where.

"Can you go to this address please?" You tell the driver,  showing hin the address you jotted down on your phone. He nods and says something in his walkie talkie, assuming to the other car.

"Where is that?" Yoongi looks over at you, having heard the whole thing.

"My house" you whisper, looking out the window. You haven't been there since the day  you left for Korea. You aren't even sure if the old lady next door sold it or not as you tossed her the keys when you left.

You see familiar sights at you wind through the busy streets before you stop in front of a house.  The driver looks at you.

"Do you need security to go with you?"

You shake your head.

"I'll be quick"

You get out of the car and run up to the old lady's house. You knock on it a couple times and for a second you aren't sure if she will answer until you see her with her walker in the doorway. She looks at you for a few seconds before gasping.

"Y/N? Is that really you? I thought you were never coming back!"  She pulls you in for a hug and you feel yourself get teary eyed at seeing a familiar face.

"I missed you too, Miss Davis. Is the house still available by the way?" You look next door finally and feel a heavy weight on your chest.

"Of course! My grandsons came by everyday to upkeep on the house.  I know you said you'd never come back but i hoped you would." She grabs your hands and smiles.

"Y/N?" You hear Namjoon call out from the car and  both of your eyes turn to see 7 heads somehow poking out of every available window they can find.

"Ahh, these are my.. boyfriends, Miss Davis. I was hoping to show them the house while they were in town"

"Oh my! You come home with not one boyfriend but 7?"  She grins at you with something glinting in her eyes. "My that reminds me of my youth"

You can't help but laugh, Miss Davis has always been a firecracker of an old lady.

"Here, let me get the key" she disappears for a few minutes and hands over the keys.

"Thank you!" You give her a hug and run back to the car.

"We can stay at my house. It'll be a little cramped as it's only 3 rooms but i can make due"

"Is it safe?" The driver asks, as each of the drivers is one of the security team assigned to you guys as soon you landed.

"It is, i'm sure. There's a guest house out back, We can have Shin stay there to make everyone more at ease and i can put you up in a hotel nearby?"

You finish the details with the driver while the boys all climb out and grab their bags, looking around.

"This is your house, Noona?" Jungkook asks you while you open up the door to the house, taking a deep breath before walking inside. As if by instinct, everyone takes off their shoes and gathers in the living room.

"It is. Welcome to my home" you smile, trying to put on a braver face than you feel. The memories of your eomma threatening to bring tears to your eyes.

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