The battle is coming to an end

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Death use a technique that sacrificed three of his hearts so now he only has one with this technique he became stronger than god he charged at him and got one of his arm he was not used to this technique he was too fast even for him he aimed for the head but got the arm god was furious and in pain he summoned every last angel at his disposal.To come and attacked Death but it was pointless Death was too strong all they could do was buy time but Death stopped time and killed them all in mere seconds.God was afraid and then he went for the Demon slayer sword incursio it grants immense power and counter all demon's attack but it was also a double edged sword no one could wield it for more than 5 minutes cause it puts a heavy strain on the body and you wouldn't be able to move until 500 years have pass so that's why god only uses it for extreme fights like this Death found god and they started their fight gonfall was trying to slice Death final heart into two.While Death was trykng to kill God and protect his heart this time Death lost a leg,arm,eye and a horn he used the power of the planets and reverse time on his body yet again but this time he could only use it one more time.They battled for 3 minutes god was running out of time so he went all out Death was on defense his heart nearly got slashed 5 times God lost a leg this time but that did not stop him he kept on pushing surprassing his limits.Until there was only one minute left that was when he uses all the power within him for one final attack this time the sword ran right through Death heart the battle was over but Death thought in his mind all the angels and demons are all together now this is the only time to stop this war Death used a forbidden technique he turn his body into a bomb but first he grew to a sized of a giant then.He said the war is finally over then destroyed everything all the demons all the angels himself and god the war was finally over no more demons or angels or Death and God the world was at peace.


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