"Yours is the 'BSC' one," Harry pointed with a bottle in his hand at the box on his right. "It's brown stew chicken. It should be up to your standards," Harry said mockingly. Louis was extremely picky when it came to food. He wouldn't eat anything that was supposedly healthy and, god-forbid, trendy.

"It better be," Louis voiced and placed Harry's box on the bed next to him. He reached for the fork and opened the box in the accompaniment of his rumbling belly. The sighs that kept escaping his mouth betrayed his content.

Harry filled two glasses with red wine and settled next to Louis, opening his own box. Even though the bed was quite big, they sat next to each other, their thighs touching, craving the touch.

"What have you ordered?" Harry looked up from his food to find Louis studying Harry's box with disdain, the frown visible between his eyes.

"Ackee and Codfish. Wanna try?" Harry asked as he moved the box closer to Lou.

"Fuck no," Louis stated, taking another bite of his own food. "It looks really bad."

"Oh, come on, Harry whined. "It's not that bad. Give it a try!" He encouraged Louis, but the latter was adamant. "Your loss," Harry shrugged and moved the box away from Louis. It might not look good, but it was delicious and that was the only thing that mattered to Harry.

Few bites later, Louis put his empty box on the side table and looked expectantly at Harry. "Have you finished?" he asked and pointed at Harry's unfinished codfish.

"No, I haven't," Harry answered, faintly getting the hint.

"I think you have," Louis stated bluntly. In one swift movement, he straddled Harry's lap and removed the box and fork from his hands to put the beside them. As Louis cupped Harry's cheek gently with a small, teasing smile upon his face, goosebumps lined Harry's skin.

Harry placed his palms on Louis' thighs, not breaking the intense gaze, they both knew was the promise of something more. Much more.

The passion in Louis' blue eyes made the rest of Harry's world a meaningless blur that he exiled into the far crevices of his mind. Unable to contain himself anymore, Harry connected their lips in a full-on, open-mouthed kiss that made Louis whimper. Harry loved the way Louis' smaller body melted into his, their bodies fitting like two puzzle pieces.

Their tongues fought for dominance, neither of them wanting to relent. It was when Louis started pulling Harry's hair at the nape of his neck, that Harry let out a groan, letting Louis win. He moved his hands to cup Louis bum pulling him closer until there was no space left between them. Harry could feel the beating of Louis' heart against his chest.

When they broke apart, Louis rested his forehead against Harry's with his eyes closed, as if he needed a minute to let the kiss sink in. Louis opened his eyes revealing his dilated pupils surrounded by the darkest shade of blue Harry had yet to see.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Louis asked licking his lower lip and stealing a glance at Harry's lips. Harry presumed his own lips were swollen and red like they had always been after a make-out session.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked taking Louis' hand into his bigger one and placing a kiss on the man's knuckles. He didn't want to rush their relationship. It was a relationship but just to be sure, he would have to bring that up, later on, to make it official.

"I'm not having sex outdoors," Louis snorted moving away from Harry's laps. "We are too old for that, Harrold."

"Excuse me, but unlike you, I'm not old," Harry scolded, crossing his arms, and pouted at Louis.

"Oi! Cut the crap, Styles." Louis mimicked Harry's facial expression. "You coming or not?" Louis held out his hand to help Harry stand up.

"Impatience Is your middle name, innit?" Harry snickered as he let Louis help him up.

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