Nice Cars and Fancy Planes

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A/N Okay so this time and place of this story may not make much sense. I need you to use your imagination that America does have orphanages nowadays, and there is another area with a surplus of kingdoms maybe some where around Germany..... I don't know. By the way Alexander actually is pretty nice and funny. You'll see that in this chapter.

The secretly royal family whisked the young girl away from the house of nightmares. During the walk to their limo the cold air nipped at their noses and making them shiver, (Katie most noticeable), the pebbles underfoot shifted as they walked.
"Kate are you cold?" The mother asked looking at her new daughter worriedly, the girl had been deprived of simple things her whole life she just wanted to give her the world on a silver platter.
"N-nnnooo ma'am" she said shivering and trying to force a smile. There was one thing Katie learned, that once you're adopted don't ask for much, let them help you.
The mother looked at the girl skeptically, Katie's arms were crossed together and her teeth were chattering, her shorts seemed odd for the middle of winter. "Katie, it's the middle of winter why are you wearing shorts?"
"All of my pants are too tight and an awkward length." she mumbles in reply.
"That's not an excuse to freeze yourself. Come on get in the car." The lady said sighing. Katie scrambled to get in the car. She sat in the middle seat between Alexander and her new father. Her mother followed her into the car shortly after Katie got in. "Driver, take us to the jet. We're going home."
Katie scrunched her nose up. "Wait what? You have your own private jet?" She asked shifting on the smooth leather seat.
Alexander looked at her in surprise. "of course, what do you think the royal family of Mireath would have?"
"Royal family? Mireath? What did I exactly did I sign up for here?" Katie feels likes she about to hyperventilate.
Her mother or the 'queen' apparently puts her hand on Katie's shoulder. "Sweetheart, we haven't been entirely honest with you. In about 20 minutes when we get to the airport and leave on the jet once we land we'll be in our kingdom. We are indeed a Royal Family."
"So are you telling me I'm going to be-"
"A princess. Yes. Yes, we are." The father said still looking ahead.
Katie almost fainted. Almost. She couldn't quite make herself do it.
When they arrived on the airport she was brought on to the plane silently and quickly. Katie sat on the back of the plane in a reserved corner away from everyone. This had been the weirdest day of her life. What Katie wanted to do right now was dance. Unfortunately though she was on an airplane- no a private jet- and that would be unsafe. She hoped at the castle there would be a dance area, or her room was big enough for dancing. She closed her eyes and imagined herself center stage being the star of the stage a small smile grew on her face. Katie was taken out of her fantasy when Alexander sat down across from her.
"Katie!" He said snapping his finger in front of her face. She blinked a couple times before realizing that she wasn't on a stage, she was on a private jet, on her way to a kingdom, where she would be princess. Great.
"Huh? Oh hi."
"Mom wanted us to get to know each other better. Since we've talked like once." He pulled out his phone and started scrolling down with his thumb.
" Uh okay. Well what do you want to know? Or are you going to ignore me on your phone?"
Alexander rolls his eyes and stuffs his phone into his back pocket. "I don't know what's your favorite color?"
"Favorite food?"
"Anything with chicken."
"Dance. I couldn't live without it. Okay so my turn now. Hmmm favourite color?"
He rolled his eyes at her playfully "Well copy cat, it's green."
"Haha very funny. Favourite place."
"Ooh that's tough. My bed, in the castle."
Katie resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. Typical. "I figured. Favourite game on that stupid phone of yours."
He put a hand to his heart and acted like he was fake hurt. Then he started to stroke his phone and whisper "my precious." In a really creepy tone. "It's not stupid it's... Addicting. My favourite game is Circle."
"Cool. You said that like I should know what that is" she said laughing slightly.
"I guess I gotta show you!" He pulled out his phone and sat next to her. His lock screen was a picture of a girl about his age with dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. Her skin was fare and she as making a stupid face with Alexander in the picture.
"Who's that?" She asking pointing to the girl.
"Oh that's Sadie Celeste. She's currently my girlfriend but my parents have had our wedding planned since we were 3." He says laughing.
She nods "Is she nice?"
Alexander's face lights up in a way that lets Katie know he's in love. "The nicest. She always laughs at my corny jokes. And she's beautiful."
Katie smiles at his reaction. "So the phone obsessed Grinch does have a heart!"
He glances at her and sighs "I only made that face at the orphanage because if I didn't you wouldn't be here right now, same reason I asked the phone question." He ran his hand through his hair.
"What do you mean?"
"Mom and Dad wanted to adopt so I could get back down to earth. Apparently I've been overly arrogant lately. So they wanted to show me how to be grateful."
"Which is why I'm sitting in this plane right now."
"Is Mireath nice? Anything like America?" She asks looking out the window at the clouds.
"Yeah. It's just small. That's why marrying Sadie would be good for us. She's the Princess of Rawyr and the alliance would expand our sphere of influence. You'll probably get betrothed to the prince in Freesia, William Polar."
"What? They want me to eventually marry someone I don't even know? What happened to true love?"
Alexander shrugged his shoulders and sighed "I'm not sure that's what will happen it's just my best guess. So you like to dance?"
Katie's head whips up to look at him. "Yeah. I love it, it's my life."
"That's good there's an amazing dance school about 30 miles from the palace. The ABT or something."
"Wait. Are you saying I could go to one of ABTs annexed studios?"
"American Ballet School? Then yes, yes I am."
Katie had to restrain herself from screaming
"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that until we got there." He started to laugh. He held up his phone and started to video tape her reaction.
Katie rolled her eyes and put her hand in front of the camera. "I was not that funny, Alex."
His face darkened "Don't call me that."
"Okay. Alexander it is!" She put her hands up in surrender. "Why don't you like the name?"
"That's none of your business." He snapped looking down at his phone again. Katie sighed and left him alone.
Katie's new father came and sat beside her awkwardly. "So, you've been talking to Alex."
Katie waited for Alexander to freak out about the nickname but he was in his own world on his phone. She could hear him muttering about how the fanfic author broke up his OTP or something. "He freaked out after I called him that. Did I miss something?"
Her father shook his head and chuckled. "No, he just feels like Alexander sounds more 'kingly' or something. If you ever want to annoy him that's how you do it. I mean if that's what siblings do. I never had one."
Katie glanced at Alexander. His eyes were scanning the screen quickly. He slid his finger and groaned. "They must update the story!!!!!!"
"I could always hide his precious phone from him."
The king smiled deviously. "That would make him beyond mad especially if his favorite fanfic is updated."
Katie smiled. "It would. Maybe in April I'll do something."
The king winked at her and sat back down with his wife. Katie closed her eyes and laid down on the leather couch. She fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.
Wen Katie woke up the first thing she heard was "Your royal highnesses, we are about to descend into Miraeth. Please prepare for descent."
She sat up and pulled the airplane buckle over her lap. Katie glanced out the window and saw the most beautiful sigh ever. There were bright green hills the rolled for miles on end. The sun shined brightly in the sky, letting her know that this country was warm and welcoming. There were hundreds or different colored flowers all over the hills. The whole scene looked picturesque. Never in Katie's wildest dreams could she imagine living somewhere so beautiful.
The plane touched down on the black gravel on the private runway strip. The doors opened and she walked off with Alexander. Before they left he said to her "Welcome to your new life, princess."

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