"Who told Your Highness, she was leaving the island?"

"What do you mean I'm not leaving the island?" Azura hissed and picked up the machete from 

the table.

He didn't even look worried about the fact that she was armed. "Your Highness is not allowed to 

leave the island. His Highness thinks..."

"I don't give two fucks about what Vlad thinks!" Azura cut in. It seems her time alone has made 

her quite bold.

"...it's safer if Your Highness remains here. Your Highness understands why doesn't she?" Azura 

shook her head and he continued in that same calm tone. "It's for the best, Your Highness. Now 

sign right here..."

"I'm not signing anything!" Azura declared pointing the machete in his face.

"His Highness would prefer if things ended pleasantly..."

"They sure as hell didn't begin pleasantly!" Azura growled.

"I understand Your Highness's distress. Such tidings as these...if Your Highness needs more time

to consider the offer..."

"There's no offer! It's give up your daughter while you rot away on a deserted island! That's not 

an offer, it's an insult!" Azura argued.

"Alright, I will convey Your Highness's displeasure to His Highness. Please forgive your servant's 

imposition on Your Highness's day. Good day, Your Highness." He intoned dutifully turning to 


"Wait...you're just going to leave me here?" Azura asked shocked.

"I only do as His Highness commands and no more." He stopped to explain before walking out.

"You have to take me off the island!" Thinking quickly, Azura commanded.

"I'm afraid I cannot..."

Like an impudent child, Azura stomped her foot. "I command you to take me off the island!"

"Forgive me Your Highness, but His Highness's commands outrank yours." He explained as

though he wasn't leaving her there to die. He straddled the ATV and swung a knapsack on his

back. Once he turned the machine on, Azura jumped on behind him. "May His Highness forgive 

me." Eon muttered right before shoving her off and taking off.

Azura chased behind him but was soon running out of breath and the distance between them 

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