🎃Jack Kline X Reader🎃

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Summary: You get dressed up for Halloween and Jack doesn't really understand the whole Halloween thing. (does that make sense? I don't know, just read to find out ;))

(Reader is late teens in this, so around 17-18 :))

" What do you think? Do I look like her?" You said as you walked into Jacks room. He glanced up at you from his laptop seeing you dressed in a blue and red attire, a ripped shirt that said  'daddy's little monster' on the front paired with blue and red shorts with netted leggings, hair tied up into high pigtails with chalked blue and red dye on the tips, and simple black converse shoes because you didn't have anything else. He tilted his head to the side, confused.

"Um, who are you supposed to be? And why are you dressed up?" Jack questioned with that adorable confused look still on his face. You laughed a little to yourself, remembering that it was Jacks first Halloween so of course he wouldn't really understand it.

"Well, Jack, it's Halloween! So, on Halloween people dress up and eat candy, basically." You explained, he still looked a little confused but seemed to get the point of it. He then looked at your costume and looked confused again.

"Who are you supposed to be again?" He questioned, you giggled softly and Jack smiled at the sound.

"I'm Harley Quinn! She's a villain in a comic book I like to read." You announced proudly, you loved how well your costume turned out. Jack didn't really know who that was but heard you talk about her from time to time so he got the idea of who she was.

"You look nice." He admitted with a soft smile on his face. You blushed a little at the complement even though it wasn't much of one, it still was one.

"Thanks, Jack." You said with a smile. "Now c'mon I'm about to go get some Candy! Why don't I go and get a costume for you and then we can go?" You suggested and Jack just went along with what you said even though he didn't know where you were going to get candy from at 8pm.

"Oh...Okay!" Jack smiled, nodding his head. You smiled brightly and skipped out of the room to go and get the perfect costume for him to try. Jack stayed there on his bed waiting for you, smiling to himself thinking how you were so kind to him.

*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫*✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚✫* ✫*゚・゚。.★.*

A/N: Well, I just had to write something with Jack, so here ya go! :)

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