Castiel X Fem!Reader

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Dedicated to: StacielNovak112

hope you like this! and that it makes you feel better :') <3

Summary:  You're having a bit of an off day, so you make a day of cuddles with Motie (your cat) and binge watching Netflix. Castiel, seeing how upset you are, decides to join and keep you both company 

"Y/N, I could really use your help-- oh." Cas stood at the doorway of your bedroom with a curious look on his face. He had originally gone to you for help on a question that had been on his mind all day, but that thought had immediately left his mind when he saw you. You'd been crying he noted, "Are you alright?" He questioned, gently sitting at the end of your bed. 

You sniffled a little, continuing on running your fingers through your Angora cats soft, fluffy hair, before looking at him through your messy bangs, "I- I'm okay." You smiled weakly, unconvincing, looking back at the TV screen. Your anxiety must be making you upest again, he thought. He figured you weren't really up for talking right now, so he just sat there quietly, keeping you company. 

Cas glanced down, only now noticing the fur ball that was curled up on the blanket that was draped over your lap. Motie's eyes were a striking yellow color and she was staring right at him. Ever since Cas had came to the Bunker and met you, your cat had become infatuated with him. Who wouldn't though right?

The atmosphere in the room was quiet; comfortable. You glanced at Cas to see him quite interested in the movie you were watching, 

"Hey, Castiel?" You called softly. He turned towards you, "Would you like to lay with us and have a movie marathon? I'm sure Motie would love it." You breathed a little giggle, patting the space beside you, offering him some of the blanket to share. 

"Well, if that's alright with you and Motie." He smiled gently before taking off his trench coat and shoes, to cuddle under the soft quilt. 

scroll to read an add on drabble :3

Slow blink.

Cas was taken aback, and his question from earlier came to mind, 


You turned to him, "Yeah?" 

"Why do cats slow blink?" 

You stroked her fur. She purred, rubbing her face in your hand, for more. 

You blinked at him one, two, three times, glancing at the content kitty before answering, "Well," you hummed "I'm sure I read somewhere that it means they love you. Why?" You looked at him, curious. 

"Motie. She just did it at me... again." 

You giggled before replying, "Cas, that means she loves you." Smiling softly you stroked her little head. 


That meant she wanted some of Castiel's attention. 

And he gave her just that. 

You all stayed cozied up under a warm blanket, watching movies. 

While, of course, Cas gave Motie some belly tickles. 

A/N: I hope you liked this Stacie! It was super fun to write :D (sorry it took me so so long to do xD) 

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, supernatural oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon