Vlad shrugged. "It's not the only reason..."

"But it's the one that counts!" She pointed out.

"Why do you argue with everything I say? It's like if I said yes, you'd say no. If I said red, you'd say 

blue. You never agree with me on anything..." Vlad rushed out.

"Maybe it has to do with you forcing your opinions so much on me!" Azura pointed out.

He made a small noise then asked softly, "I will never be forgiven for those things, will I Azura?"

Finished with the bandage Azura picked up the first aid kit and returned it to the bathroom 

without answering.

"We should just go back." Vlad stated as she returned.

"Because you can't get laid." Azura replied bitterly.

"No, because you can't forgive!" He argued.

"I can't forgive!" Azura repeated. "You can't expect me to forget the things you did overnight! But

of course, you do, you're the prince. Obedience is what's expected in one's subjects!"

"And you were always a poor subject. Maybe if you stopped questioning everything, I asked 

none of those things would have happened to you!" Vlad retorted and immediately regretted it. 

That would gain him no ground, he thought and was proven when Azura scoffed.

"There you are Your Highness! I was wondering where you ran off to." Azura stated with a smirk. 

"Now that you're back, will the beatings resume as well?"

"Why do you insist on provoking me?" He ground out.

"I was a child, stolen from my mother! How the hell did I provoke you!" Azura hissed.

He took a bracing breath and asked. "This is going nowhere, isn't it?"

"There is no this!" Azura countered.

"Fine. We're leaving then." Vladimir said simply, walking towards out the door.

"I'm not going anywhere." Azura declared, stopping him in his tracks.

He turned to face her and shocked Azura when he replied, "Alright." Then continued heading 

towards the ATV."

Azura stood stock still for a moment in shock then asked tentatively, "So...you're leaving me?"

"It's what you want, and you'll be safe here." He pointed out as he got on the ATV, strapping on 

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