The Problem is You

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I waved my hands and moved my body in what I hoped was an attractive manner, trying to copy the other fae. I looked up at him; the human I was trying to entice, and put on a seductive look. I'm not sure I succeeded.

"What the hell are you doing?" the male questioned me with a look that made me think he was comparing me to a.. Scary ghost in a pink tutu? I'm not exactly sure what he was comparing me to but at least he was looking at me! 

"Dancing of course, what did you think?" I asked, tilting my head to the side a little. Apparently male humans thought it was cute - I didn't really get the appeal. I widened my eyes and hoped my powers of influence had randomly developed without me noticing.

"That wasn't dancing, " he responded, " and can you stop with the intense staring? It's creeping me out."  Then he went to turn around, most likely going to find some other girl. It surprised me when - within a blink - he was right in front of me, pressing my body against his.  Maybe I have got my powers!

"Let me show you how." he spoke forming a slow, probably seductive, smile on his face. He used his hands to guide my hips, a smirk replaced his smile as he brought his head closer to me.  I could feel a sneeze coming, his perfume was too strong.  Resist the urge to sneeze, I chanted in my head, resist the urge to sneeze!  " Aaaachooo!"  I let out, it was a bit of a pip squeak of a sneeze but it still came out, right when his lips we about to land on mine.  

The male gave me a disgusted look and walked away, that was the closest I've ever gotten to trapping a male.  After 2 years on the job I almost got a human.  A wide smile graced my face, I almost had him! Wait till I tell the Queen, I think to my self as I strut back to the Woods of Ethren.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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