Battle on the Bridge Finale

Start from the beginning

   Naruro stood over the unconscious body of Haku, fist shining and swirling with the Kyubi's chakra, as he prepared for his ultimate technique. When it was finally finished, he reared his fist back and shouted "Kyubi's wrath" and obliterated everything in front of him. Using all of the destructive power of the Kyubi's chakra, he tore a massive hole in the bridge, where Haku once lay. "I missed. " Naruto simply stated, as he turned and looked toward the new position of his enemy. He wasn't expecting Zabuza to be crouched down next to his accomplice, worry etched all over his posture and features as he checked over Haku's well being.

   "He was able to swoop in and save him, that fast?!" Kakashi said in disbelief. "Where did he get that kind of speed from so suddenly?" He continued to ask himself as he tried to figure out exactly what was going on. "Must have been out of fear and desperation, he was helpless less than a second ago. Seeing his ally in danger, must have awakened something inside of him. There must be something more between those two than what they lead on. That's the only thing I can think of. There must be a close bond between those two, close enough that for a split second Zabuza became the fastest shinobi in the world, in an attempt to save his friend." Kakashi theorized as he prepared to do battle with the rogue mist ninja again.

   "However as he was about to start over toward Zabuza, he heard the unmistakable sound of clapping. Looking toward the sound he saw short, balding, middle-aged man, in an expensive suit. The man was surrounded by probably at least a hundred men, of Kakashi had to guess. But perhaps the most noticeable feature about the man, was the aura of powerful wealth that he exuded. 'No doubt that must be Gato, what a horrible time for him to show up. Sasuke is put of commission. Sakura is injured, and I'm not at full strength. Naruto seems fine, but would he be able to take on all of those men at once?' Kakashi thought to himself, as he looked around the wreckage of what used to look like a bridge, but was now more reminiscent of a warzone.

   The copy ninja was brought out of his thoughts, once Gato started talking again. "Well, that was quite the performance young man." He said as he was looking at Naruto. "Making Zabuza's little apprentice look like nothing more than a simple play thing. Not hard to believe if I'm being honest. That pathetic excuse of a ninja, wasn't worth the price he was asking. And neither are you Zabuza. You had one job to do, and you failed it not once but twice now. I've had enough of your failures, and so I've come to do the job for you. Once we're done taking care of the brats and the lightweight, and the bridgebuilder is choking on his own blood, I'll kill you myself personally. Then I'll finish off that pathetic excuse of an apprentice you have. The last thing you'll see before taking your last breathe, will be me painfully putting that worthless sack of garbage out of its misery." Gato spat with rage, as he addressed Zabuza, who didn't even look like he had acknowledged a single word Gato had said.

   As he ever so slowly lowered the beaten body of Haku down onto the bridge. Before he started to slowly walk over toward Kakashi, never once taking his eyes off of Haku, til he was directly adjacent to the copy ninja. "It seems as though my contract is now void. We are no longer enemies Kakashi. So if you'll excuse me, I've got a vile, manipulative, overweight, disgusting coward to kill." He said loud enough for Gato to hear, as he bent down to pick up his sword. "If any of your brats are squeamish, it'd probably be best if they looked away right now." Zabuza said over shoulder as a little last minute advice to Kakashi who was already heading over to check on Sasuke, who was already being looked over by Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna.

   Zabuza stopped about ten feet in front of Gato, holding up Kubikiribōchō for him and all of his men to see. "This is one of the seven legendary swords. Said to have been created by the first ever Mizukage. And you will be killed by it Gato, by me the one who has mastered it like noone before. And the mentor, to that so-called worthless apprentice." Zabuza said with absolutely no emotion, as his sword started to glow, as it became infused with Zabuza's chakra. As it was glowing, you could see the sword starting to slowly wither, as if it was being grinded down inch by inch. While at the same time Zabuza's wounds started to slowly heal. "As you can see, I'm the first person to ever master this sword. It's capable of far more than than anyone else knew. For if it was to break or crack, it can rebuild and restructure itself using the iron found in the blood of its victims. But that's not all it can do. It also has the ability to heal the weilder as well, by sacrificing itself and using its iron to heal its holders wounds. Which is what you are seeing now." Zabuza explained as he was fully healed and was now only holding onto a half-formed Kubikiribōchō. Which made Gato and his men tremble in fear at this newly discovered power. And rightfully so as Zabuza began to systematically pick them apart, as Kubikiribōchō gradually began to reform itself on its victims blood.

   Meanwhile Kakashi had finally made it to Sasuke and was now analyzing his wounds with his sharingan. "Nothing to worrying or damaging. Most of them are shallow,  and should probably heal within a week. A couple of deep ones that will need some stitches, and....." he stopped midsentence as he saw a particularly nasty and bloody one. "This is bad, it needs to be healed immediately, its punctured his lung. And is bleeding badly. Everyone give me some space now!" Kakashi demanded in an urgent tone. As he began to weave some hand signs that he had learned from a certain brown haired girl he used to know. As he finished, his hands began to glow in a teal color, right before he started to heal Sasuke's wounds. "Sensei what is that?" Sakura asked in curiosity, as she watched her sensei heal her teammate and longtime crush. "This is called medical ninjutsu. It's what medic ninja's use to heal their patients. It's also extremely difficult and requires a lot of concentration." He explained as he returned his focus to healing his student. While Naruto and Sakura watched and waited with baited breathe, as they hoped for the best.

   Finally after a long few minutes the glow disappeared from Kakashi's hand. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, he reexamined the puncture hole. 'Completly fixed, you'd be so proud of me.' He smiled to himself, until he saw Sasuke sit upright, and cough up a lung full of blood. He went to pat the last Uchiha on the back, but was cut off as Sakura hugged, I mean glomped, him. And started crying about she almost lost him, as well as praising him for how well he did in that battle. While Naruto fell over in exasperation, as he muttered to himself that he was the one to defeat Haku.

   Now knowing that his students were okay, he turned his attention back to where Zabuza was enjoying himself. Only to see the severed head of Gato rolling toward him, with no sign of Zabuza or Haku, just the fractured remains of Haku's mask. But off in the distance he could vaguely hear someone screaming out in loss and anguish, as it suddenly began to snow. Taking on the odd sight, Kakshi began to notice just how exhausted he was. Turning back to his students, he was pleased to see the three of them and Tazuna back on their feet and ready to continue. "Congratulations team, the mission is a success." He joyfully said to them, as the all cheered in celebration. "Let's go get some rest guys." Kakashi said as he and his team walked off into the sunset, back to Tazuna's. Where they would uneventfully finish their mission, except for the big event in Naruto's eyes, as the bridge was named after him.


Finally finished, and I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've written to date. I hope you guys enjoyed it, this arc, this battle and the story so far. I hope I did a decent enough job in writing this so far. Next time we start on the chunnin exams. If you guys want to see specific fights, leave a comment and I'll see if I can make it work. And lastly this story has over 3.5K views and I'm so thankful to everyone that has ever read, given feedback, commented, or even voted for this story. Its growing so fast, and it's because of all of you, thank you so much.

   Til next time, Dattebayo!

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