Chapter 11

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Hope you guys like it😊



Okay everything went as usual. No Spacequake happened. Kaguya and Yuzuru literally challenged me 200 times for a duel and I defeated them in each duel easily.

Right now we were sitting in the auditorium.

Ai: And this year's Tengu Festival Raizen High School representative is Itsuka Shido!!!

Good News for me.

Hiroto: You were a good friend Itsuka. 

Ai: But here is the twist! We will have 2 representatives and the second one is none other than Y/n L/n!!!!!!!


A/n: Nope. And focus on the story.

Hiroto: You were also a good friend L/n.

Tohka: What is Tengu Festival?

Hiroto: Its a big festival organised by 10 different high schools of Tengu City.

Tohka: Oh I see!


Well now I was going back towards my house. God they sure made me do lots of work but since I practiced it was easy for me.


Seriously?! Now?!

I then went towards a dark alleway and got changed into my Plunderer outfit put the mask off course!!

I then jumped high and went towards the direction of Spirit.

Shido POV

I was now walking towards the stage since the Spirit called me up there.

I then came in front of her.

Shido: Hello there.

Miku: Huh?!

Shido: I didn't mean to sneak around but your voice was so pretty.

[Kotori]: Shido her mood is dropping rapidly what you said to her?!


[Kotori]: Go with option 1

Shido: You look Stunning. I really have no words.

[Kotori]: Shido her mood is dropping rapidly!! Go with option 3

Shido: Nothing like a peek but.....

Spirit: HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

She shouted and I was on verge of falling from that platform.

Spirit: Why?! Why you exist?! Why don't you fall and give this world a relief?!?!

Shido: Huh?!

Spirit: You know why I am not crushing your hand because my shoes are more important than your life!!!!!

Shido: Nani?!

Then an explosion happend and my grip loosed and I fell down.

[Kotori]: SHIDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I closed my eyes waiting for the ground to hit me but I never hit the ground I opened my eyes and found myself on the ground.

Shido: Huh? How I survived that fall?


I was in the sky.

Y/n:*Sigh*Well looks like there are still some Brotherhood left in me for you Shido otherwise I would let you fall b/c I know you have healing abilities so you can't die but still I saved you. *Sigh*Not everyone is a good Brother.

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