the trouble began

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Soon after we left second period I could tell something was wrong with Quani but I didn't wanna say anything. She looked so drained and sick it almost looked like she was dying. I didnt want to scare her so I just told her to go home and rest. And so she did. On my way to third period I was trying to get through the crowds when I was pushed. Yall all know me I may be good but I got one hell of an attitude and aint nobody gone get away with pushing me. So I stopped in the middle of the hallway and asked who pushed me and the hallway went quiet. Then this big bitch standing next to me started laughing so hard. Mind yall I am only like 5'2 and im thick as hell and got ass for days but this bitch is about 6'4 and she got stomach for days like dammmmn. So I look around and then I see Dequan smiling at me and giving me that you better beat her ass look so I goes up to the girl and ask her "what the fuck is so funny you big wilder beast lookin ass" I didn't want to start any problems but I know that if I wanted Dequan I had to do what I had to do and if that meant fighting a big gorilla looking bitch then hey it is what it is. The girl turned around and looked at me side ways like I had just took the last piece of chicken. So I step up to her and everybody just stood there and they mouth dropped along with mine. The girl fell to the floor and started crying then everybody just went wild. I could not believe that I punched  her. Then next thing I know everybody started to speed walk to their classes and I started to walk over to Dequan. Then he started to walk away with the rest of the school. Did he not like me anymore
I began to wonder inside my head. You know what I really dont care. I walked to the office to get a late slip and as soon as I walked in the office the girl was there snitching.She told every little detail that happened. I started to butt into the conversation when the pricipal Mr. Jones said Shaniqua we already have your side of the  because several witnesses came in and testified for you. Wait who would do that wait I know who it was ......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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