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"Mia, I am so sorry I have to leave. I have a really early meeting tomorrow. I love you!" My dad apologized to me. He was carrying a sleeping Vicky.

"Dad, it's fine. It's getting late and I think the party is ending soon. My eyes are gonna give out soon. Thank you so much for coming! I love you!" I replied. Walking over to my dad and kissing my sister on the cheek.

"I love you little sis! See you soon!" I whispered into her ear. A few more people who either had kids, were not staying over, or just had to leave started to leave.

"Selena, we have to leave. But see you in a few weeks for you know what." David said before they left they winked at me and I smiled back.

"What are you planning babe?" Justin asked. I shook my head, showing him that I would tell him later. Only about 15 people were gonna go back to the house with us.

"Mr. Bieber and Ms.Gomez, the cars are here." one of the bodyguards said to us.

"Ok meet you guys back at the house?" I asked. They all nodded their heads and we started for the door.

"Babe, I love you and ignore everything they say! You're the strongest person I know and you just dealt with Hailey with Grace. What are the other few paparazzi." Justin said to me. I laughed and kissed him.

"Ok love birds, are you guys gonna lead the way or...." Brain said. Everyone laughed and we walked out the door.

"Selena, what was going on with you and Hailey?"

"Is the baby Justin's?"

"That dress looks way too small on you!"

"Selena you look amazing!"

"Is that the Weekend's baby?"

"Justin you look like a wreck."

"Selena you're so ugly!"

"Stop! Can you guys just shut up for a moment? Leave Selena alone! Say whatever you want about me but just leave her alone! She is currently riding a hormonal roller coaster and you guys really aren't helping! Just let her be, stop saying all these hurtful things to her! She is freaking beautiful and stunning, if you want a reaction of her losing her cool, you're not gonna get it! She is the best damn person in the world! Stop it and if you want to say things say nice things!" Justin yelled at them. I squeezed his hand and continued to lead him to the car. Before we got into the car he yelled, "Leave my fiance alone!" A few paparazzi were stunned while others continued to film us leaving.

"Justin, hey you ok?" Alfredo asked him. I was currently leaning my head against his chest and couldn't see his face. Justin's hand was drawing circles along my stomach and I could feel him calming down. I am not gonna lie, I was pretty surprised.

"Yeah, I am all good! It's just they really are rude and they say such hurtful things! I had enough." Justin replied. Justin tensed up and I automatically sat up and kissed him gently on his lips. He tried to deepen the kiss but I moved away, shaking my head a little and using my eyes to point at our friends in the car.

"It's ok Selena, you can let him deepen the kiss. Don't stop just because we are here." Taylor teased. I blushed hard and leaned back to Justin and we went back to our original position. I could feel my eyes getting heavy and yawns coming up. Justin draped a blanket around us and stoked my hair.

"Babe, you can sleep. Take a rest, it's gonna be a while till we are home and there's traffic outside." Justin said quietly. I fell into a deep sleep in less than a minute.

Justin POV

I looked done to my sleeping fiance and just admired her beauty. I could see her cheek bones were becoming more defined and her feet were a little swollen. This pregnancy was definity taking a toll on her body.

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