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Justin: Um guys, can you please just tell us what's wrong? You're killing us with the suspense.

Doctor Fiona: Sorry, so first there is nothing wrong. Selena takes deep breaths. Calm down it's all ok. In fact you should be pretty excited.

Selena: Ok I am calm please just tell us. Why should we be excited?

Doctor Fiona: It looks like its not just one baby. When I first did the check...

Selena and Justin in unison: Wait!! Not one baby? Like twins?

Doctor Fiona: Like I said when I first checked I saw 3 babies, I thought I made a m

Selena: 3! You mean 3!! Like 3 children? 3!! Jay 3!!

Justin: Selly! Oh My Goodness! We are gonna have 3 little Justins or Selenas running around! 3!!

The doctors around us laughed at our reactions and waited for us to calm down.

Selena: Oh sorry continue.

Doctor Fiona: So that's why I asked the other doctors to come in. To make sure I haven't made any mistakes. I will contact your LA doctor and make sure that your team is well aware. But congratulations the babies all seem to be healthy! Justin you can bring Selena back into her room and Selena you will be discharged after a day or two for observations.

The team of doctors left one by one. Justin still had the phone out, and had captured the whole thing. Justin picked me up and placed me back in the wheelchair. Before wheeling me back into the room, he kissed me and whispered in my ears.

Justin: I love you babe! I am so excited! Should we tell them?

I nodded my head and we set to my room where all the friends and family members were.

Gracie: Sissy's back!! YEAH!

Ally: What did the doctor say? Can you leave yet? I wanna go to the beach and play!

Chelsea: Girls you do know that even though Selena might be able to leave that doesn't mean that she will be herself right away right? It's gonna take her a while to get back to herself and to top that off she's pregnant.

Mandy: what did the doctor say? Is our grandbaby ok?

Raquel: Sel, so is the baby ok? Come on tell us.

I smiled at Justin and looked around the room. Everyone has stopped talking and are waiting for us to give the news.

Selena: So we have a little surprise. The doctors found out something. Why don't you guys try to guess.

Mandy: did you find out the gender?

Taylor: Oh the baby must be healthy! That's why they are smiling.

Ashley: maybe it's not one baby?

Selena: that's actually really close

Everyone: WHAT!!

Gracie: TWINS! Yeah I am gonna be an aunty to two babies!

Mandy: Oh wow! Two babies?

Pattie: two! A little Justin or Selena?!

Ally: Aww two little babies!

Jax: I can't wait!

Justin: We never said it was twins guys.

Raquel: triplets?

Ashley: NO!! OMG! 3???

I laughed and looked over to Justin. He smiled and shook his head.

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