Chapter 12: If There Was Twenty-One, That Would be Bad

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I also asked about the Flower Country, which was located to the east of the Butterfly Country, but it was apparently not recommended for travel since the immigration tax for those coming from the Butterfly or Wolf Countries was extremely high.

The militaristic Flower Country had invaded the Butterfly Country about eighty years ago.

The alliance between the Butterfly Country and the Wolf Country forced both the Flower Country's army and magicians to withdraw, and they formed a truce with the Flower Country, who made considerable sacrifices, including a change in their ruler and reparations.

The Wolf Country and Butterfly Country had also planned to make the Flower Country a vassal state, so it is no longer considered a potential threat.

Additionally, the Butterfly Country and Wolf Country were long-standing rivals and were not close friends. Thus, they are maintaining their international security with a "three-sided measure" where they check in on and monitor each other.

Although people were allowed to travel freely between the three countries, it was a strange situation.

The reason why Shun knows the history of the game's setting so well, was because he was now a well-educated prince these days.

He had gotten a job thanks to his computational ability, but as long as he was living in this world, the history and culture were essential knowledge. To be honest, his governor's voice was grating, but he also had a lot of knowledge. It was worth it to get all the knowledge Shun could, so he listened attentively while stuffing cotton in his ears.

However, the mythology of the Butterfly Kingdom? Shun turned towards his governor and asked why he wasn't informed of this.

It was a story that was read to children. In other words, Momotaro1. If Momotaro was read to a twenty-eight year old man, the quality of the governor's curriculum would be questioned.

"Oh, you're here."

While Shun was thinking about this, they had arrived at the hideout before he knew it. When Dian got out of the carriage, revealing the man that he had spoken to, all of Shun's thoughts were blown away.

"What are you doing? Come out quickly."

Dian dragged Shun out of the carriage, and he now stood before Craig.

"Good morning. I apologize for arriving late."

"No, there's no fixed hours... Did something happen again?"

"Oh, no, not really..."

The strange expression on Craig's face struck him. Craig was thinking that Shun was late because he was held up by some nefarious person, just like he had been the night before.

"No, no, no. It's okay. I just overslept."

"That's good then." The tension in Craig's shoulders relaxed. He was both worried and relieved to know that nothing had happened. As an employer, it was natural for him to worry about his employees, but he was a bit upset. This is just normal...

Shun looked at him talking to Dian, and he felt a strange sense of incongruity.


"Are you feeling sick?"

The atmosphere around Craig was different.

Shun felt like the aura coming out of his (Craig's) body was growing darker. If Shun was to compare it to a color, it would be like a normal red color that had turned into a blinding, deep red. Craig expressed a negative response to Shun's question from his darkening expression. Craig, and even Dian, rolled their eyes at Shun's words.

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