Something late?

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It's been a couple of months now since Gunner and I have gotten together. He announced while I ago that we was together and that I'm officially his old lady. Ace and Reina was the most happiest for us. I was still working at the bar but Gunner told me to purse my career job at the local elementary school as a art teacher. I did apply but I am waiting on a response.

Gregory call me couple times over the past few months, turned out his girlfriend now wife was pregnant and they are expecting a baby boy soon. I was happy for him and her, I meet via FaceTime and we actually bonded. She wasn't as bad as Gregory made her to be but he probably seen a side I haven't. He was also very happy that Gunner made me his women and we was happy.

I was washing glasses at the bar when I had a terrible cramp on my stomach, I almost dropped a glass from the sudden pain. Then when the pain was gone I had to vomit badly so I ran to the ladies room and took all of breakfast out. I couldn't understand why all sudden I got sick. But I ignore it and kept on with my day. When night came it was peak time at the bar and I was alone today since all the club bunnies had to be at the poles tonight.

As I work my stomach just felt off and certain smells just made me nauseous, I was seriously confused on why I was feeling this way. Gunner and Ace check on me couple of time but I didn't say anything. When the night was over and the bar was closes. I was cleaning up when I felt extremely dizzy that I dropped couple of things as I was about to hit the ground.

I felt someone grab me before I hit the floor, I tried to focus on the person talking to me I think it was Atlas who was actually stocking the bar with me. "Thea? Are you okay?" "I-I" I couldn't speak well since I felt nauseous and tired all sudden. I heard Altas about to Gunner and he came running to me "Thea baby? What's wrong?" He said before I could answer I blacked out.

Althea (Satan's Dragon MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now