Chapter 2 First Performance

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Imagine the girls voice as Liams :)

Liam's POV

We got to the gym. Harry said "Are you gonna actually do it Liam?" I said "I'm doing it for my brother." He looked at me confused. I nodded. I said "Just trust me Hazza please." He went to sit on the stands. After the last person went. Luke and the others appeared. He said "You ready?" I nodded. I walked on stage. I took a deep breath. And started to sing. The boys appeared. I smiled. I stood up. And walked over to Luke.

Harry's POV

I stood in shock. How is he performing with his brother. The others disappeared after. I said "Li?!" He walked down. Everyone was told to go back to class. I said "Liam you need to tell me what's going on. How are you doing that?!" He said "I'll text you it. Hazza it's too much to explain." I said "Come with me." We got to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door. I said "Tell me now." He said "You know how I listened to the cd?!" I nodded. He said "They came with that. I didn't want to tell anyone because I actually got to see my brother. Hazza you can't tell my parents. Not now. I feel like they'd send me to see someone." I nodded. I said "You could of told me that." He whispered "I was scared. Hazza. How would you react if someone that you loved suddenly appeared out of nowhere? You wouldn't wanna tell anyone right away." I said "Were they at the game with you?" He nodded. I smiled. I said "So technically you had your big brother watching you." He nodded. I smiled. He whispered "He was the reason why I performed. He was the one who talked me into it." I nodded.

Liam's POV

I got in the den. With Harry. Luke appeared. I said "I told him about you guys. He won't tell dad or papa." Luke smiled. Harry said "I'll pick you up tomorrow Li. Alright?" I nodded. He walked home. I said "Just know I'm back in the program." Luke smiled. He said "Told you that's you would."  I smiled.  Dad said "Li! C'mon let's go out and eat." I said "I'll be there in a second." He said "Okay."  I said "You guys can't play anything we can't have people coming and seeing theres no one." Luke said "We won't Li go to dinner with them."  I nodded.

Niall's POV

I said "Hey Li. Where'd you find Luke's hoodie?" He looked up and said "His room." I smiled. I said "I always forget you love oversized hoodies." He nodded. He said "I'm back in the program. I was able to preform in the thing today and got put back in." I said "That's good." He nodded. They brought out the food. We ate. Liam said "I'm gonna sleep in the den." I nodded. I said "I'll see you in the morning baby boy." He nodded.

Luke's POV

Liam closed the door. I smiled. I said "You have your blanket. You sleeping in here?" He nodded. I smiled. I said "Can you tell me what those boys at the game do to you?! Please!" He looked up. He said "They don't do anything bad. Just pick on me a bit." I said "What's just a bit?" He whispered "I can't explain it." I looked at the other two. I said "You can tell me anything you know nothings gonna get out to anyone." He smiled. He whispered "They made me limp home one time." I said "Why didn't you tell anyone?" He said "I was scared." I sighed. I said "Li you gotta tell someone at least. At least tell Harry." He looked up. He whispered "I can't." I sighed. I said  "Bubs he'd protect you. You know that." He sighed. I said "C'mon Li. Tell him. Because he'll protect you." Liam nodded.


Harry's POV

I said "Hey Li. What's up?" He looked up. He said "These boys bully me. That's why I wasn't in my original seat at the game." I said "How long? Who else knows?" He whispered "A few months and only Luke and the others. Luke was the one who talked me into telling you." I nodded. I said "When you get home tell him thank you please." He nodded. I hugged him. I said "Li you should of told someone when they hurt you." He said "I was scared okay?" I sighed. I said "My hug isn't gonna be as good as a brother hug but c'mere." He came into my arms. I smiled. I kissed his head. I smiled. We got to class. He looked at the corner and smiled. I said "They here?" He nodded. I smiled.

After school

Liam's POV

Harry said "I'll text you LiLi." I nodded. I walked inside. I said "Papa? Can you please tell me what Luke was like?" He said "Sure bubs. C'mere." I sat next to him. He said "You already know that he sung. He loved you to death babes. The last time we saw him. He sung you to sleep. And after that we didn't see him again. When me and daddy look at you babes we see him so much. You are his twin. And now that you are singing again you can try and cover his songs. I think you'll do great covering them." I said "Really?" He said "Yeah love." I smiled. He kissed my head. I said looking over seeing Luke "I might try to soon." He said "You really should Li. He'd be so proud if you did. Me snd daddy both know that if Luke was still here he'd be smiling so much seeing you sing the songs he wrote."

Luke's POV

I got back to the studio. I said "We have to get one of the older songs and have Liam sing it. My papa said that he should cover one of my songs. I won't do the one about our dad. Not yet. At least. It'll be too emotional for him." Reggie said "What song are you thinking of?" I said "That I don't know yet. I'll let him pick whenever he gets back in here." He nodded.   I said "My papa said he's my twin and I can actually see it." Alex said "Yeah. He's just a bit smaller than what you were." I nodded. He said "You wish you could hug him don't you?" I said "Last time that I officially hugged him was the day that I left. After I sung him to sleep. So what do you think?" Liam came in. I said "You wanna pick out a song?" He nodded. He said "Let's go it."

Liam's POV

Luke said "Let's go then. Let's go look at the songs." I nodded. I said "Luke what would happen if papa and daddy came to a show?" He said "Oh Li I don't know." I said "They'll ask how. And I don't know what I'd say." He said "Lets just put it aside and just pick a song." I nodded.  We smiled. 


Warning. Next chapter is sad. Okay bye


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