Start from the beginning

"Maknae line: i second the motion!"

'"Jin: hoseok whats your vote? its 2/3." then hoseok oppa kissed my forhead.

"Hoseok oppa: I want whats the best for my lil sis so-

"Yoon: yashhhh!!!" i said jumping and celebrating.

"Rm: so?" he looked at Hobi oppa

"Hoseok oppa: so i'm with jin hyung, cause he knows whats best for you sis." i quickly frowned the voting is now 3 to 3.

"Yoongi: alright lets just play rock, rock, paper, scissors." they all nodded and chose the representatives.

The hyung line chose Jin oppa and Tae oppa was chosen by the maknae line.

"Yoongi: alright! rock...paper...scissors...shoot!" then they turned around.

Jin oppa jumped and shouted how good and great he was as Jikook oppa with Yoongi oppa kicked Tae oppas ass.

"Jin: now Yoon your rooming with him in the bed and no funny busness arraseo?!" he said strictly at me and Yeonjun.

I nodded and avoided eye contact with the hyung line except Yoongi oppa.

"Rm: Yoon-ah mianhae~" he said as he was about to hug me but i walked out of the room and slammed the door close as i run to my room with the oppas knocking.

"Jin: lil sis please  open the door!" he said knocking but i just buried myself in my sheets.

"Yoongi: Yoon-ah open the door or i'm making namjoon break the door!!!''

"Hoseok: Yoon please let us in!" 

They were knocking like crazy and shouting my name 

"Jungkook: hey sis let me in please!" i quickly ran to the door and let Jungkook oppa in.

In the 8 of us i'm close with the vminkook oppas cause were almost the same age and we always hang out more specially Jungkook oppa. I quickly hug oppa and screamed in his chest as i bury myself in it.

"Jungkook: hey you okay?" i nodded

"Jungkook: you were not answering or opening the door. We were so worried cause we don't know what your doing luckily you let me in." i didn't say anything but just hugged my brother.

I was still hugging oppa for 8 minutes with the other oppas still knocking.

"Jimin: *knocks* Yoonie-ah its me Jimin oppa please let me in!" he said as i broke the hug and opened the door for Jimin oppa and close it fast as the others were trying to get in with him.

When i closed and locked the door Jimin oppa hugged and after a few minutes Jungkook oppa hugged me too as i hugged both of them.


I didn't talk to the hyung line and completely ignored them. Its now night and Yeonjun is sleeping with me.

I was scrolling down my phone when suddenly Yeonjun walked out of the bathroom TOP LESS and a towel around his neck while having damp hair and his abs still a little wet, damn this view. 

"Yeonjun: enjoying the view?"

"Yoon: what view? that? * walks to Yeonjun and touched tis abs* not hard enough bruh plus its only six. Did you see Jungkook and Jimin oppas? Your not even close to it." Then i came to the bed and wrapped myself in it with burning cheeks.

Yesh burning cheeks, i just lied to him so he won't tease. Damn he's hot those abs were really hard, and toned like Jimin oppa but also a lil close to Jungkook oppa, wait what am i saying?! get yourself together Yoon he's now your enemy not lover.

Suddenly i felt Yeonjun say my name.

"Yeonjun: Yoon-ah" he said softly as i looked at him.

I stood up and he suddenly hugged me as i hugged back. After a few minutes of hugging i came back to reality and pushed him.

"Yoon: stop it Yeonjun. I won't fall for your tricks again." i said a little hurt but he shrugged and hugged me again. I tried to stop him but he tightened his grip on my waist and whispered something in my ears.

"Yeonjun: Just for tonight please...please be the old Yoon that the old Yeonjun loved..Just for tonight please..." he said softly as i looked at his eyes seeing sincerity and sadness.

I quickly nodded and hugged him back wrapping my hands around his neck as i bury my face in his chest inhaling his manly scent. We were hugging each other for 10 solid minutes but the door suddenly busted open seeing Jieun with wide eyes seeing our position. I quickly let go to a surprised top less Yeonjun and threw him my big pillow to cover and turned to Jieun smirking.

"Jieun: sooo what were you guys doing?" she said teasing us while wriggling here brows and smirking.

"Yoon&Yeonjun: NOTHING!" we said in unison.

"Jieun: erm really? so when i saw you guys hugging each other is nothing?*wriggles eyebrows*" she teased us more

"Yoon: i swear its nothing bijj!!" i said pissed, then she smirked at us.

"Jieun: okay lovebirds but oppa your tall idiotic brother needs your help with something." I gave Jieun a death glare and and she left with Yeonjun while wearing his white thin t-shirt.

I sat down on the bed processing what happened. Suddenly i remembered what Yeonjun said. "Please be the old Yoon that the old Yeonjun loved..." Loved? Did he REALLY love me or is he playing me again?


Author-nim: hi y'alls i'm back and we already reached 200+ reads!!!! i'm so happy!!!! and i actually made this boring chapter around last week and i had no time to actually publish and continue it soooo here i am hehe. Oh and thank u Dennie unnie for being the sweetest unnie luv yah!<3 stay healthy and safe sweeties^3^


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