Chapter 1: A Killer Knows A Killer

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You had always been drawn to Hannibal Lecter. Although, it wasn't uncommon for everyone to be drawn to the man. His dark eyes could see through any soul, his hair never seemed to fall out of place, and his voice, oh that voice, could hypnotize hundreds. Hannibal Lecter's entire existence was delicious...
You had longed to be as close to him as possible since you had seen him give a lecture. He had been asked to speak on the abnormal psychology of a current suspect that had been coined as the Chesapeake Ripper. Jack Crawford insisted that it would be beneficial for the rest of you agents so when it came to being out in the field in the event of another murder (you all knew that was inevitable), you could perhaps understand more of what was being dealt with. But you couldn't focus on that and honestly, you couldn't quite care enough. You already knew everything there was to know about this killer. You already understood him. The simple reason being that you were just like him. You were just another killer, only you continued to hide in the shadows and disguised yourself under the mask of a good hearted being, who joined the FBI to help those who couldn't help themselves.
No, you wouldn't be focusing on the details of Dr. Lecter's lecture. You only kept your attention the man himself, only looking away to make marks on the notebook in front of you when Lecter made eye contact with you. You were keeping count and it was beginning to become apparent that he was in on your game already. He smirked ever so slightly when your eyes met, making your cheeks burn. You glanced around nonchalantly to see if anyone else seemed to notice, but no one did. If anyone did notice, they surely didn't seem to notice the pattern or connection of that smirk being directed to you. You felt your heart rate quicken with excitement as you and this attractive stranger played such a subtle and yet intense game. Some part of you even felt a bit overwhelmed by the attention. Perhaps you might congratulate him for being able to make you feel such a way.
Before you knew it, the lecture drew to a close and agents and those in training were beginning to collect their belongings and leave the darkened room. You stood, gathering your own items and moved towards the tall man, who was relaxing cooly against the worn lecturer desk. As you grew nearer, you admired his three piece suit even more. The colors consisted of a dark grey jacket with a matching vest underneath that concealed his deep red dress shirt with a tie. You believed this to be bold and a statement that expressed just how much he valued himself. He dresses as if he himself was a piece of art to admire. And, well, you certainly did find yourself admiring him, but you also found it amusing. With a confident smile displayed on your face, you approached him, reaching a hand out for him to shake.
"Dr. Lecter," You began, finally meeting those dark eyes more personally. He was beautiful. "Your lecture was very...fascinating. You describe him and his motives in such interesting ways."
Hannibal politely smiled back at you, reaching to shake your hand. His grasp was firm and he had such a comforting warmth to him that you had to fight yourself from keeping your hand in his for too long. "I appreciate your feedback, Ms..." He slowed down to allow you to introduce yourself.
"(Y/N L/N)." You quickly said, but you were not nervous. In fact, you felt too happy to give him your name.
"Ms. (L/N)." Hannibal repeated, still pleasantly smiling. "I am glad that you enjoyed yourself. However, I have a feeling of doubt that you were so interested in the lecture as much as you were with me giving it." His eyes never left yours, and the air seemed to scream to you that he knew what you were. Both of your eyes were too challenging, unwilling to relent to the other.
But yours did. You feigned a blush and looked to your feet, making it seem to him that he won. "I-I'm definitely sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself." You said, laughing a little and moving a strand of your (h/c) hair behind an ear. "I've heard some things about your work in psychiatry and I just-" You looked back up to see that his eyes never left you.
"Couldn't help yourself." He finished for you.
You laughed again. "Yeah."
"Well, a lot of people are curious when it comes to mental abnormalities and those who experience them. It isn't uncommon for people to want to know those who treat such people, to get answers to the unknown or misunderstood."
"I'm sure you have very enthralling stories about your patients and the things they've told you." You said, watching him as he stood straight, gathering his papers. He was so tall, you thought. He could easily loom over you if he wanted to. And you wanted him to.
Hannibal chuckled a bit and looked back to you. "Have you ever been in therapy or have been to a psychiatrist before, Ms. (L/N)?"
"Call me (Y/N), please." You stated flatly. Being called by your last name didn't feel right, not when he said it. You wanted him to know you. "And I was in therapy a few times." You smile and roll your eyes. "But anger management was never something that stuck."
Hannibal nodded, humming in acknowledgement. "I see. Perhaps you might like to stop by my office some time, if you decide you need to discuss any anger issues or any other pressing issue that affects you." He handed you a card with his name and office address.
You took it and smiled as sweetly as you could. "I just might. God knows how many issues that I do have."
The two of you fell silent before you looked back up to the projector screen, which still presented a picture of one of the mutilated victims. You sighed. "It's so fascinating. The work he does on these victims is so...profound. It's almost as if his very presence is in the room with us." With that, you turned from Hannibal and walked away, smirking as you knew he was watching you leave.

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