Ch 3: Riot on set

Start from the beginning

Trent: Tyler isn't in the game anymore.

Lindsay: Seriously? Bummer.

Trent: I choose Duncan.

Then Duncan went to join them and we just picked our next team mates.

Gwen: DJ.

Trent: Beth.

I was about to choose Izzy before Leshawna got my attention.

Leshawna: *whispers* Remember. Keep your enemies closer.

Gwen: Really? You don't mean....

Leshawna: *nods*

Gwen: Fine, we choose Heather.

Heather: Really? Me?


Heather: It's about time someone had realized that in the most valuable player here. I mean seriously people.


After a few moments, Trent was trying to choose between Owen and Harold. And I knew that I would be stuck with who was left.


Trent: How do you choose between flackier and flackiest? At least Owen got farther in the last game, that's gotta be worth something. Dude I don't know, but I had to pick someone.


Trent: I choose Owen.

Owen: Woohoo! *high-fives Trent*

Harold: Uh hello, don't wicked skills count for anything? I mean who else here went to film camp? And is trained as a junior cinematographer? And has a knowledge of---

Gwen: I choose Harold, if it'll get him to just shut up.

Harold: A wise choice.

Gwen: There were no other guys left.

Harold: Still.

Trent: Uh, I guess that means Izzy is on my team them.

But she just stood there for no reason, it was honestly getting annoying how she wouldn't respond to her own name.

Lindsay: She likes to be called collidescope.

Trent: Oh right, E-scope

Izzy: Here *laughs* hi.

Chris: Gwen, I christen your team: The Screaming Gaphers. And Trent, your team is called The Killer Grips.

Beth: Grip? I don't want to be a Grip.

Heather: Please, it's not like being called a "Gapher" is something to brag about. It just sounds like something that has rabbis.

Then we all heard a crash which had surprised us all. We all looked over to see two interns who were the ones who caused the rucis.

Intern: I'm sick and tired of not getting any respect around here.

Then the other one broke a nearby tv and they both left. I would say I'd feel the same if I had worked for Chris.

Chris: Ok, since we're running late now and don't have any more of.... whatever those two did, we better get a move on. Your challenge: each team has to set up a film set.

Leshawna: *chuckles* We'll be scarfing flapjacks in no time.

Chris: Oh will you? Well as location manager, I want your set to go up...... there! *points to top if fake cliff*

Total Drama Action Male Reader x GwenWhere stories live. Discover now