The beggining or the end

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Mai:but I never expected this to happen....

                          Winter wishes

Mai:there was a fire that got cought in the cooking room.

Girl 1:HELP!

Girl 2: *cough*

Nanisa: I need to go help them wait here.


Mai:as soon as I knew it I went into the fire to help everyone too.

Mai:I can remember it like it was yesterday.

Mai:The tears dripping down her soft skin, and her eyes sparkling with all the the tears,once I knew it she fainted.

Mai:she woke up in a hospital.

Nurse 1:she not going to live very long-

Mai:right when she was in the middle of saying that my tears dripping down my skin as they fall onto nanisa.

Mai:I held her hand as she woke up,with a smile on her face.

Mai:the nurse told her everything,I couldn't believe this girl no tears but all she said was "it's ok we all die at some point in life....".

Nurse 1:r-right I guess so, you only have at least 20 days to live.

Mai:as she leaves the room nanisa looked like she'd seen a ghost.

Mai:but all I had to say was...

Winter wishes•lgbtq•sadness towards the endWhere stories live. Discover now