The one

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Mai:It was winter again the year moved so quickly, I went for a stroll through the town till a gust of wind appeared I quickly moved my hand to my face so I won't get any little leafs in my eyes, but then when I moved my hand I saw her.

Winter wishes

Mai: My eyes lit up as I saw her, the shine in her eyes as she says every word with joy, her hair looks as soft as doves feathers,her hair sways in the wind as she walks, I just new she was the one.
Mai: she looked back at me with a smile I couldn't help but smile back, it was just a twist of fate that I got to see her.
After that I never saw her I just knew that I had to see her again.
Mai: After I saw her strange things started happening whenever I said "I wish" it would give me my wish i don't know if it's because I saw that girl or it was just a magical gift I had.

(Sorry that it was short I'll post chapter two in a few days or maybe tomorrow)

Winter wishes•lgbtq•sadness towards the endWhere stories live. Discover now