⁕ the beginning ⁕

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This is my first story ever so pls no hate. <3 

I'm going to put a song for every chapter, they're usually are the ones I listened to while writing. Hope you like them. :)  


Summer of 4th Year  - 1994

I woke up to the sunlight streaming through my window. I put my hand up to cover my squinted eyes. I could see the dust particles in the light and yawned as I eventually put down my hand.  Sleep. Was the only thing on my mind. I had spent all night anxiously thinking about school. If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I am afraid of almost everything. But when I say everything, I don't mean cliche things like the dark or ghosts, I mean real-life things. Every summer I go through the same cycle. I get home from Hogwarts, happy, and ready to spend time with my parents. And then by the middle of the break, it turns into boredom. But in the end, it's anxiety. Scared that I'll fall behind in classes when I get back, scared that I won't fit in, and most commonly, scared that I'll be alone. 

It seems stupid. I've had the same three friends since 1st year, and they're the most caring, lovable people in the entire world. They would never leave me. But I guess my brain won't let  me realize that I'm not completely alone. Hermione, Ron, and Harry would never leave me but I guess that's how you start to feel when all you can do during the summer is write letters to eachother. 

"Y/n! Come down for breakfast, we have to get ready to go to Diagon Alley!"

"Alright Mom, I'm getting dressed!" I sighed, and rubbed my groggy eyes. Hopefully this year would be different. Other than the occasional threat from dark forces trying to kill Harry,  I needed something to change. 

I placed a foot out of my bed and onto the floor. 

"Lets do this." 

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