Twenty One: Back

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Today is the day they will move back to the human world. Everyone had packed their things but there are people who didn't want to go back. Everyone looked so much mature and stable with their powers. Especially the Zodiacs, they have complete control of their auras and powers. The Eves acts and looked more of a ladylike. The Loyal Vessels doesn't panic in an unexpected situations anymore. They are much more calm and alert and can hold their auras for hours and hours.

Sana and Dahyun's training will continue in the human world as they had their time had been calculated. Three months in the Hidden World is only fifteen hours in the Human world.

"Noooooo! I don't wannaaaaa! I don't wannnnaaaaa!" Chaeryoung who is holding on to the huge doors of the palace, as if she's holding on for her dear life, is being pulled by Chaeyoung.

"Let gooooo, Masterrrrr! I don't wanna go baaaaaccckk!" Ryujin, laying on the ground, holding on to the end of the rail of the stairs, is being pulled on the cheek by Jeongyeon.

Yeji, Yuna and Lia who seemed to be calmed about it, are just sitting on the couch refusing to stand up.

"Why do you guys don't want to go back? Don't you miss your friends? Your Joy-unnie?" Wendy asked, rubbing her face.

"I don't wanna grow ooooldddddd! I wanna stay here and be perfect like Pisces-ahjumma!" Chaeryoung uttered, shaking her head. Pisces' ears perked by hearing her own name and looked so confused.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you need to help us protect the world?" Chaeyoung said. struggling to pull Chaeryoung by the feet.

The Loyal Vessels and the Zodiacs truly have a different bonding unlike the older ones who has a lot more professionalism.

The Eves watch their Zodiac and Loyal Vessel argue. They all sighed. Dahyun sat down in front of Chaeryoung who is still holding the door.

"Chaeryoung, wouldn't you want to protect your friends or the people who are important to you in the Human World?" Dahyun asked in a very soft gentle voice.

Chaeryoung blushed when her eyes met Dahyun's before averting her eyes, "I—I don't even have friends...hmp" She pouted cutely.

Dahyun giggle softly and ruffled Chaeryoung's hair, "Well, count me as one." Dahyun smiled widely at Chaeryoung.

Oh, that smile. That smile Chaeryoung would like to protect like her life depends on it. Chaeryoung wouldn't wanna lose that motherly love she receives from the girl so she stood, fixed her clothes and wore her backpack. She then looked at her master, "Shall we go then?"

Confused and all, Chaeyoung sighed and facepalmed. "Alright, let's go."

"Wha—? Chaeryoung, you traitor! I thought we all staying here?" Ryujin who is still hanging onto the rail of the stairs for her dear life.

" Ya, Chaeryoung! We all planned it all out last night, why are you dipping?" Yeji uttered.

Chaeryoung turned around, "Well, on second thought, I wanna graduate and be rich." she excused.

"Hm. That's actually a good point." Lia shrugged and stood up to follow Chaeryoung.

Yuna wore her backpack too and followed after Lia, "Actually, me too. I kinda wanna experience high school life."

"Nooooo! Lia?! Yuna?!" Ryujin whined.

Nayeon rubbed her temples and pinched Ryujin's cheek, making her grimace. "Listen to me, kid. You're coming with us whether you like it or not. I need you to help me with my paperworks when we get back."

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