Causing Problems Makes You Famous

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"Damn, how much sedative did you give him?"

"Enough to kill an elephant ten times over... How is he still alive?"

Error slowly awoke. He was in the anti-void. No, it wasn't the anti-void it was different. This wasn't false warmth, it felt more like wearing a thick jacket than anything. It felt protective and trying to persuade him. To do what he didn't know. Error opened the code to this place.

It was certainly close to the makeup of the anti-void, nearly identical. The one change was the fact that it wasn't touched by Fate. This means that Error wasn't anywhere near his multiverse. He was in a different place entirely. He sat down on the floor.

While reading through the codes of the whole multiverse he learned a few things. This entire multiverse had very few AUs some only being chunks of time, some only certain people. Not counting as whole universes. It seemed as if there were two main universes. One being titled MCU and the other called Marvel Comics.

So this multiverse is a comic series and movie series while Undertale was just a videogame.

Reading, Error could feel something attempt to enter his soul.

"No," He said out loud to seemingly no one.

He could feel the multiverse itself becoming disappointed. Error didn't know he knew it but he could feel something ask for his name.

"I gUEss iT dOesN't maTtEr anYmoRE, but I Was cALled Error."

'You are older than time itself. More powerful than it too.' he could sense the multiverse ask.

"WeLL YeS, I aM OldER tHaN yOU."

'Well, that name doesn't fit you. What about Ancient one, nonono she already has that title. New One? No. What is a good title for you?'

"I'VE beEN cAllEd tHe GoD oF DesTRuCtiOn."

'Ohh, a destruction God? That's new. Well then God of Destruction, This world requires your power. Half of all life is going to be destroyed. I don't know when only that it will happen within 10 years. If I bond with you we can save this world from that fate. I can sense an aspect of you that strives for balance. The destruction of half of all living things will greatly upset the balance of life and death. God of Destruction, what say you? Will you save these people? There are billions on each planet, each going to die.'

Error thought about this offer. Eventually, he decided after hours of thinking in the white void.

"I ALreADy CauSEd ThE DeStRucTIon FoR MaNY, WhY NoT SaVE A FraCtiOn Of ThE PeOpLE I'Ve KilLed. I WiLL AcCePt YoUr OfFeR. ToGEtHeR We MAy StoP ThIs SudDEn InFlUx Of DeAtH. aFtEr ALL, YoU HaVE No nEeD FoR DesTrUctIOn."

'Of course not that you need my help. You are more powerful than any being I have ever housed. But not any Thing I have ever housed, and you will need my help with that aspect.' they said again.

On that note, he allowed the multiverse into his soul. At first, it was pure pain, almost equaling to that of the void's. After some time it subsided into a tingling. Tickling his old wounds and scars. Error shuddered. He would never willingly do that again. Nothing of his appearance changed, the multiverse told him of this. His skin still there. Still human sadly enough. So Error sat there taking in the knowledge of the whole multiverse.

"It's been days, how long is he supposed to be asleep?"

"I don't know. Maybe Legolas overdosed him? I heard that even after 9 shots he was still up and walking, not even showing SIGNS of fatigue. Amazing."

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