"That's a lie. That's totally a lie! I can't believe you! You're not going to get away with this." Carmen snarled menacingly, grabbing onto the collar of my shirt. "C-Carmen? C-Calm down. L-Let's talk about t-this together. Ok?" I stuttered, holding my hands up in defense. Until someone came to tear Carmen off of me, I had to play victim. There's no way am I going to get my hands dirty for an idiot like Carmen.

"Lexi. You crossed a line. Now you have to pay for it." Carmen growled, shoving me to the ground. Damn, that hurts! "W-Wait! Carmen! Calm down before you do something you'll regret!" I protested, holding my arm out. Either that, or before I get brutally injured.

"Regret? Oh. I definitely won't regret this." Carmen replied, malice in her eyes as she pulled back her fist. Wait. She's not really thinking of punching me, is she? With this many witnesses? Is she crazy? Or is she just plain stupid? How is she going to lie her way out of trouble then?!

Oh, well. Whatever happens to Carmen doesn't really concern me. Playing the victim has always been my strong suit. I'll just do what I always do in these kind of situations. Just brace yourself... This is definitely going to hurt... I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact.


Except it never came.


Alan's POV

Now, understand that it's been a long day.

A very long day.

After everything that's happened I just want to go home and relax.

Now, surely you can understand my utter shock and complete annoyance when I saw Carmen practically strangling the life out of Lexi.

"What the hell is going on here... "

I glanced beside me, only to find Emma watching the two girls with a thoughtful expression on her face. "Who knows?" I replied, shrugging. Honestly, I had no idea what was going on. Carmen seems extremely pissed for some reason. What in the world is happening right now?

"Are... Are they fighting?" Emma asked, squinting to get a closer look. "Yeah... Seems like it... " I replied, watching as more and more people gathered around Carmen and Lexi. They were gathering quite a crowd. Not surprising, though, given the amount of noise that they were making.

"What are they even fighting for? This doesn't make any sense. I thought they were friends." Emma commented, shaking her head. "Who knows? Carmen's always had a temper. Maybe Lexi did something to anger her?" I replied, shrugging. Carmen has always been known to get angry at anything and everything. Even at work. I'm not going to lie, it made her insufferable at times.

"Yeah... I wonder... " Emma trailed off, already lost in thought. "Emma? Are you alright?" I asked, slightly worried. It wasn't like Emma to stare off into space like that. I wonder what she's thinking about...

"Hm? Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking." Emma replied absentmindedly, clearly not paying attention to anything I was saying. Sighing, I dropped the subject. I wasn't going to go anywhere with Emma at that rate.

I glanced over at Lexi and Carmen. Things were getting pretty heated between the two of them. "Hey... Should we do something about that? We wouldn't want both of them to get hurt... " I commented, turning to Emma.

Nodding, Emma replied, "That's right. Come on, then. Let's go break up a fight." Sighing, Emma rolled up her sleeves and stalked off towards the middle of the huge crowd.

"Huh? Emma! Wait up! What are you doing? Shouldn't we call a teacher?" I called out. Damn it. Emma's always been so reckless! What if she got caught up in the middle of Lexi and Carmen's fight? What do I do then?

Book 1: New RevelationsWhere stories live. Discover now