Then, it got even worse when I got my phone ringing. It was an unknown number that I ignored at first. Well, first and second time. However, on the third call, I picked up.

"Hello, is this Rome?" a strange voice asked.

I squint my eyes. Only Dick called me Rome.

"Dick's woman?" the voice added.


"Oh... yeah," I confirmed. "It's Rome."

"Well, uh... I'm Wally, Dick's partner," he said.

My heart dropped.

Did Dick cheat on me?

"W-we were in the office and Dick was off since morning and suddenly he had a panic attack," Wally explained.

"What?" I hissed.

"He's in the ER in Gotham Central now," Wally added.

"What?!" I repeated.

"Are you able to come? I'll pick you up if that's necessary," Wally proceeded.

"No, wait there," I said before hanging up.

Following that, I quickly grabbed my stuff and probably told clear enough reason why I should leave to Marrie. Either way, she let me go.

I got myself an Uber to Gotham Central. The whole time, I'd been very nervous that the driver even sped up. I had a feeling that she thought I wanted to get to the ER myself. Which, wasn't completely wrong, but, I had my reasons that might be different with what she had in mind.

Someone who dressed like what Dick would look like before he went to work stood by the entrance. He had a DEA badge on his chest that he clearly tried to hide. However, I approached him, assuming that he must be the one calling me.

"Wally?" I hesitantly greeted the ginger haired man.

"Yes, are you Dick's, uh... are you Rome?" Wally stammered. "Sorry, he kept mixing up what he considered you as, so, I'm not sure if you're his girlfriend or his wife."

"Where is he?" I asked, not realizing right away that I ignored his later statement.

The man brought me in as if he owned the place.

On one of the bed, Dick had been lying down on his back. One of his forearms covered his eyes. He looked way calmer than I expected and I took it as a good thing.

Well, thank the doctors.

Dick removed his arm from his face when he heard someone coming. When were close enough, Dick turned his head towards us and sat up in surprise.

"Oh, man, you called my wife--I mean my girlfriend--my wi--my girlfri--my girlfriend that I don't know why I called my wife--my wife futu--my girlfrie--I...," Dick clenched his fists and looked down.

I turned to Wally and he gave me a polite nod as to excuse himself away. Dick only looked up to me when he was sure that his friend had left.

"Is it okay if I...," I gestured a hug.

Dick nodded.

With that, I came to Dick and we wrapped ourselves in each other's arms. I still felt his body shaking a little.

"I'm sorry," Dick said. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's alright," I replied.

"I'm sorry," Dick insisted. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I asked that this morning. I'm so sorry. I just love you so much and I don't know what to do about it. And I don't know why I told you not to answer right away. I'm sorry."

"Oh, Richie," I hummed. "It's alright. I love you so much, too."

"Rome, I mean it," Dick said.

"I mean it, too," I promised.

"The question. I mean it. Will you marry me?" Dick trembled. "Please, answer me this time. Don't let me wait any longer."

It's happening, my brain said.

"I will," I eagerly answered, wrapping Dick tighter to me. "I will marry you."

"Fuck, you will? Shit, I'm not down on one knee. Let me redo it--"

"No! Just...," I pulled myself back.

Then, I kissed Dick.


Rachel would be the first one we told about the engagement. She told the rest of Dick's family right away which meant I had to tell my sister. Everyone seemed to be happy about it.

After Rachel fell asleep, Dick and I got into our bedroom and had the most emotional steamy adult night routine session in my whole life. We didn't say anything. Everything was silent at first.

Then, I felt something wet dropping on my face. I thought it was sweat or drool, but, I saw Dick crying. So, I asked him why he was crying.

"I just love you so much," Dick answered as he nipped on my neck.

That answer itself fetched my own tears. The both of us ended up crying while doing the rest of the steamy  adult night routine session.

We stayed awake for a long time after we cleaned up. In fact, we got out to the living room and watched The Night Comes for Us. A lot of the time, we skipped paying attention to the movie and just talked about what we had in mind for the future.

"You know, fiancée, let's buy you an engagement ring tomorrow since I'm being a dick and not prepared for this," Dick said. 

"First of all, fiancé, you're always a dick. Second of all, we have work tomorrow," I replied.

"We can skip work. We have a reason to," Dick shrugged. "I'll call Marrie. She'll be happy to hear it."

"But, your job is important, too," I insisted.

"You're more important," Dick insisted.

"Are you sure you want to put me there above the war against drug, drug violence, the cartel, money launderers, and many more?" I questioned.

"Are you sure you want to ask me that because I might say yes," Dick replied.

"You're too good of a person to say that," I pointed out.

"Wow, you're a detective now," Dick nodded. "That's so cool."

"I'll pass, thank you. I'll let you do the detective work and I'll do the taking care of the detective," I smiled.

Dick scoffed a smile and kissed me.

"So, tomorrow... engagement ring. Okay? Or should we start looking for wedding dresses for you?" Dick recalled once we pulled away.

"You're so eager," I teased.

"I mean, it's good timing. We have reasons to be irrational," Dick shrugged.

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