Pups and Me

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I wake up curled up around the pups in wolf from and some even use me as an pillow all the other pups seem to have wanted to cuddle too. I sit there not wanting to wake up the pups when I hear footsteps come down the hallway. I lift my head off my paws and look towards the door when the door opens I see Liv and Jade standing there looking at the sight before them. Liv and Jade smile then Liv pulls out her phone and snaps a picture while giggling with Jade. I give them a little grin for one photo then after pictures and lots of giggles and smiles Liv asks "do you want us to help you out?" I slightly shake my head no because I wanted all the pups to trust me enough to be like this so this is how I'll stay. Jade and Liv leave and close the door and I lie back down and shut my eyes and sleep comes.

(Time skip 20min)

Someone calls out breakfast is done and all the pups jump up at the sound of breakfast. I look at all the pups and ask "Who wants breakfast?" All the pups shout "Me" I open the door and they instantly run downstairs. Once I get to the kitchen and get my food I see Jade and Liv giggling at something on Liv's phone. I walk over to see what they're looking at and I see it's a picture of me sleeping with the pups and Eva climbed onto my head and went back to sleep. I ask "when did you get that?" "It's a secret" Liv replies with a sly grin and walks off to go get her food I watch her sway until Jade says "you're staring" I say "I know you're starring too" "hell yeah I am" she replies  just then Liv mind links us and says "I can feel your stares" "we just can't help it" I say and Jade says "can't blame us". We all get our food and as I'm walking to the table with my mates some of the pups come over to me and ask me to sit with them I look at my mates and say "duty calls" and go with the pups. After we all eat and play for a bit all the pups were sleepy and it was time for a nap.

I put all the pups in the pup room and leave to go find my mates but then I hear the pups door open and I know all the pups are asleep so I crouch down and tiptoe to the door and look in and see....


The plot 🎆Thickens🎆
This is just a calm before the storm chapter so be ready for more also if there are any spelling mistakes please let me know because I do update these books late at night and into the early mornings as always Later loves😘

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