Kidnapping a sister?!

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Mukuro was gone for a week and then back with a twelve-years-old girl who needs help fast as her right eye is bleeding, her stomach is sinking in and low on blood which Hosanna had Hibari sic onto the driver while Fon has the medicine she needs fast.

"Hold on, sweetie." Hosanna said as she removes the damaged eye ball, removes the destroyed organs in the stomach area and was quick to use her Cloud to keep the blood flowing until she gets new organs inside of her. Reborn got them for her.

'I have to hurry!' Hosanna thinks as she does keep her head and she managed to keep her cool as she gently places them into place and used her secondary Sun Flames to heal them into place as she gently used her thirdly Storm Flames to seal it up.

"My Cloud Flames are multiplying her red and white blood count until it's at the right amount and then she'll be alright." Mukuro shows them what he saw in her mind to keep her alive as long as he can. Hosanna went mama bear fast on that really.

"Watch her. I'll be back."

"She's going to kill."

"No shit, Sherlock. She's a mama bear." Those who didn't know about this were now shocked as four hours later, Hosanna came back and shows that Mukuro and the child, Nagi are half siblings making Mukuro to be fully in his right to saving his little sister.

Vindice agrees when they saw him kidnap her and Hosanna shows the DNA proof for it as Mukuro has full custody of his sister who is a Mist, but more for the real solid illusions making Hosanna to have her as a second Mist which isn't against the rules.

Reborn agrees as Nagi is going to be safe and she asked if she can change her name once she woke up and saw her big brother. Fon smiles as Dino and Hibari are getting smitten with each other and Hosanna doesn't mind really

"Though I do wish they warned me about Dino harmonizing with Hibari's Mist Flames really." Both looked embarrassed about that as even they didn't know about it really.

"I'll forgive you." Hosanna can't keep her anger at them as she had Dino help her with her Sky Flames since Reborn doesn't have that Flame. Mukuro helps Chrome and Hibari with their Mist Flames as Hayate also has it, too. Reborn is impress really.

Hosanna wonders if she can fly and Dino doesn't, but he didn't expect ears and tails to show up with humongous wings from her back. The ear and tails are kitsune and the wings look like the one from Cardcapture Sakura's Fly Card before Sakura recaptured it.

Hosanna has nine tails, but for some reason there is a stump for a ten making her to think and she then realize why and she asked Shamal if he can check. Once told there's a seal, she needs to be pushed pass her limits and have Fon tap it.

Hibari helps with Mukuro and Chrome as Dino sends his whip to make her more tired. Fon was waiting, but he didn't expect it to show up on her forehead and he doesn't have time to wait, but it was going dark which really mean something not good... For her.

Fon was super quick and used his chi to remove the seal, but he didn't expect to be pushed back afterwards towards Hibari so fast as Hosanna was set a Sky Flamed making her to accept her Flames again and she looks far more different than she has been ever before.

Hosanna's hair is longer near the neck and up her head with the same hair style as Giotto still, her eyes are a combination of doll and doe eyes, her bosom is up by fifty making it to be two hundred and seventy-four inches, some muscle growth.

She also has some more weight and height on her above her age's normal ones by fifty-nine inches making her to be taller and weigh more than her age group, she also has a healthier skin color and no baby fat at all is left really making everyone to blush fully.

Hosanna looks beautiful as she is a killer lady with just her looks alone really making Reborn to wonder how he's going to handle this as Nana might believe it's cause of her food, but the way she lost her baby fat and her bosom changing sizes?

She's not going to believe it which Hosanna said she has it covered as she could explain she hid the truth of her size cause of the boys going through puberty and they act like idiots really. Nana would believe that story full time really which Reborn believe fully.

Haru was shocked and Hosanna used the story making Haru to believe her like Kyoko and Hana does as it's understanding how boys act like damnna it stupid monkeys really during that time really. Even their parents agreed with them.

Ryohei went with them for some vacation time with family making him to enjoy himself and he was behaved on the trip really making Hosanna to smile and he brought some medical French books both traditional and modern to learn from.

Hosanna translated the books and he had fun learning them from as Hosanna made a copy to learn from it, too really making her to have fun with it as Dino got her the Italian books which Ryohei also learned from as he is actually enjoying himself really.

Hosanna told her story to her mama and she believes it making Reborn to sigh of relief in his mind as Hosanna got so use to lying to her mama about this that she even doesn't even know about the god damnna it summer house in the forest really.

'It looks like a giant log lounge that has three more fused into it really making it very long and wide for a lounge really and that gives more bedrooms and a large kitchen really with the bathrooms that I saw really. How does she handle it?' Fon thinks as it's huge.

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