Hosanna's summer house

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Mukuro and his two friends wake up as they saw the girl and Lanica in the same room as them before they all heard Hosanna calling the five down for breakfast making them to look to each other before walking down and saw the food.

"Hey. Slept well? No nightmares? No night terrors? No flash backs?" Mukuro realized she really does care as she was reading a letter as she was sitting down at the table.

"No to the last three and we slept well for the first time." Mukuro answered as she smiles happy.

"Glad for that. Please eat. I don't use posion. I'm not the scorpion hitwoman." It calms them down and the food tastes great and they wanted second which she served out to them.

"I'll be gone for six hours max. The house is in the forest and you can explore the house. Fair warning. I'm a huntress, so... See bones or meat, it's animal bones and meat. Shower rooms is down the hall near the stairs on the left turn.

The female on is on the left turn, but on the other side of that hall. If you are injuried, clean with soap and warm water and I'll treat the injuries personally. Be back soon. Lunch is in the fridge. Just use the microwave to heat it up for about minute and a half. See you when I come back." She then left.

'What the heck just happened?' All five thought as they all looked to where she was before looking to each other. They finished and placed the dishes near the sink and went to take a shower and saw it was normal and no cameras anywhere.

"Summer house of a civilian?"

"Looks like it." They got cleaned and saw clothing for them all and they placed them on after drying  and Reborn shows himself and points to the letter as it's from the Vindice. They explained her words were true and they are marking her three clients innocent.



"You three heard her tone of voice, correct? What tone was it?"

"Wait a second! She's a blasted Sky Lawyer?!" Reborn shows a copy of her twelve certificates shocking them all greatly as that's fully impossible really for her to even do that. Reborn shows the video from his point of view shocking them all really.

"HOLY SH-OWE!" The blond saw Hayate who glares and shushed him.

"There is three kids still asleep right now and they have a fever. And no swearing around them. Hosanna gone hunting?" Mukuro nods.

"I better clean up the garden she has a bit. Never enough time to clean out the weeds." Hayate went to weed out the garden as Reborn explains a bit about Hosanna to them really which had shocked Mukuro even more.

"Say what?!"

"Yeah. She did it all by herself. She cares so much for her mama and she doesn't want to worry her at all." Hosanna came back like she said and the blond jerks at the smell of meat making everyone to see her really.

"Hey. I'm going to be busy with the animals. Hayate, thanks so much for weeding out my garden for me since I never have the time for some strange reason." Hosanna left the doorway and had a big will-o-wisp close the door for her.

Hosanna left for a back room to skin the animals and part them apart really making Mukuro to peek and stay at the doorway as he saw her with the knife and she was fully carefully while skinning the many animals as she looks so focused on just what she is doing.

"Care to help by pulling the skin a bit for me?" He flinches at her voice as he never though she had known he was really there. She hands him gloves and shows how to pull and how much as she then gently skins the animals really.

Hosanna let's him stay and watch her as she answers his questions and knows he's curious about her fully really. Hosanna was done and she freezes the meat as she kept the hams and ribs the way they are to cook and eat later.

She cleans the skin by scraping the fat and a bit of meat that's still there before she removes the legs and tail parts and sews the holes up before using the brain matter to help with the tanning and then she'll stretch it tomorrow really.

"Why use the brain?" Mukuro feels sick and she gently sits him down and has a warm face cloth over his eyes as she answers him.

"It's a natural tanning treatment really. I'll get you a book on it and you can read it if you like." He nods as he feels a bit better as she sends him back to his friends.

"I shouldn't have shown you that part. Sorry." He shakes his head and left as he kept the cloth on his eyes. Hosanna was done and saw Mukuro napping on the couch.

"He saw me using the brain matter as a natural tanning treatment of the furs. He got sick from it really." Hosanna said to the unasked question as she gently picks his head and places it onto her lap and he curles into her.

"I will say this only. If he wants a bond, it'll be on his terms only." Mukuro heard her as she gently weaves her fingers through his hair gently making him to feel her emotions as she cares for those under her protection really and he doesn't know how to feel about it.

Reborn had introduced Dino to Hosanna at the forest line making her to feel the big brother vibe coming off of him fast which has her dragging him to her summer house immediately shocking Reborn.

"Before anyone asked, she sensed the big brother vibe from him fast. I didn't think she'll bring him here immediately."

"What's ya expect? Family vibes were automatically welcomed here. She and Hibari are cousins since her sperm donor has a grandmother who was a Hibari really." Hibari nods as that's way she feels more closer to Hibari as her beta of the pack.

Dino enjoys his time and he was shocked that his clumsiness is gone making Reborn to check and found out Dino and Hosanna are harmonizing with each other as siblings making Dino to be very shocked. Hosanna feels that safe with him is a immediate shock.

'That fast?! Was it her 'Third Eye'?' Hosanna sensed the question.

"No, I trust my gust and hyper instincts. He's safe." Hosanna said as Dino feels happy she said that really about him personally.

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