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Hosanna sics the police and sports doctors onto the team and coach making Takeshi Yamamoto to be confused as the whole school has to wonder what is going on here really. Reborn likes what she did while Gokudera ask what she did.

"Siced the police and many sports doctors onto they're tails. Takeshi Yamamoto, the boy who has his father, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto near him? He has either early signs of tennis elbow or his arm is about to break. I keep on hearing cracking sounds.

I had to do something and the coach is going to be suffering from child neglect for Yamamoto's case and ignorance of what the other teammates were doing. They left everything to Yamamoto and that's so not right as baseball is a full team effort." He agrees.

Yamamoto got hooked fast onto Hosanna who doesn't mind for the week days and has him studying swords and swordsmanship really making him to be curious about them on the weekends only really which Mr. Yamamoto to see a very caring Sky.

She cares about his son and has him learning the history of the swordsmanship making him to take care of the sword practice for her. Reborn was surprised since she still isn't bonded to Gokudera yet, but she's slowly getting him to be use to Yamamoto.

'Ah, get to know the new kid and he'll accept the newcomer very fast.' Reborn thinks as Gokudera wonders why Hosanna picked him to be her Rain really. Reborn saw Fon and was quick with his many questions and shocking Fon fast which Hosanna caught on camera.

Hibari smirks as he has blackmail on his grandfather really which Fon didn't like really and answers Reborn's questions. Hosanna was fast to fight him with her new style and he saw what she needs to work on and got to work fast really.

Fon even saw Gokudera's band new weapon making him to enjoy his new student and had I-Pin come with him as Hosanna took over as a senior student to a kohai student making I-Pin to enjoy her new life as Hosanna has taken her position as senior student.

'This is fun!' Hosanna took great care to keep I-Pin from becoming a child assassin making Fon to be happy as Nana took her in as a second daughter very fast really as Hosanna explained her master asked for help since a 'pedophilia' had almost raped her.

"A Senior student is a good place to keep her safe. I'm learning from the same master. I nearly gotten raped and I wanted to fully defend myself really." Nana was shocked, but pleased her daughter was fast to think of defending herself and helping her kohai.

Gokudera is now learning how to use a bo staff with kunais, senbons and shurikens making him to fully enjoy himself really. Yamamoto is doing good with his swordsman training from his father and left the baseball team full-time really.

Hosanna gifted him a certificate of passing his 'History of Swordsman' making him to smile as now he just needs to pass his dad's lessons really making him to work hard really as he needs to beat his dad with a real sword and place only ten cuts and that's it.

I-Pin is enjoying her new life a lot as Hosanna got her fully up to speed and got her eyes checked with the same story and how she's worried about her eyesite making I-Pin to have contacts when she is six making it to be better for her really.

Fon was pleased as the Traids fully wanted I-Pin to take out a target and Hosanna was the one to actually teach them all a lesson as she took out twelve Traids bases and Fon smiles as she glares while looking down on them and use her lawyer personality on them.

Reborn got to see it and he smirks bloody as Hosanna was fully just tearing them a new one making Fon to stop her after she was fully done and wasn't afraid to force them to do a lot of paperwork and forms as a punishment really for what they tried to do to I-Pin.

"She'll be a great mother when she is older."

"Agreed there, Fon." Reborn said as Hosanna was like a really furies mama bear who's cub is forced away from them really. Nana was shocked when Rebirn did a clean, non-criminal tale of this really making her to be surprises that Hosanna is that protective really.

"I'm agreeing with you two on the mama bear thing." Hibari smiles as that's his 'alpha' really as now Gokudera is 'gamma' in the pack as he is getting stronger and got use to their 'delta' really making them to train together as both a bo staff and a sword are similar.

"You swing them, but the bo staff can be either metal or wood really. Wood isn't good since the sword can either cut through if sharp enough or cause a cut and then the staff snaps right where the cut is. Metal however is safe to use against a sword really.

Fon-sensei, I want your opinion of this as wood is bad and metal has a chance to keep working, just needs to be repaired if bent and that costs money to do so." Fon loves how Hosanna fully wants his opinion on this really and from the look from Gokudera, him too.

"I'm in an agreement with you as this is important for your Storm and 'Gamma' of this 'pack' of yours. Wood isn't good against swords and metal will need maintenance to fix it up or to get a band new one really. Perhaps we mix the two and have a new bo staff."

"Mix? Like wood underneath the metal to protect the wood while have the metal not bend on the user?" Gokudera asked which has Fon smirking as Gokudera figures it out on his own.

"Test the three and let Gokudera choose which one he wants. Fair and square of the cons and pro of each one really." Yamamoto said as he did the same to have a feel of the different swords and nodaichi isn't good for the family style at all really. Too long.

"I'm in agreement. I still don't have a weapon of my own to fight with yet." Hosanna said as she's pissed about that and Reborn had her test out every single gun and Fon had her teat out every single weapon there is to find her own weapon really.

Gokudera agrees and tested the three out thoroughly making him to go for the third one and poor Yamamoto had gotten a thorough work out from it as he needs rest before he can do this again. Fon agrees as he gave some herb tea to help relax him.

Hosanna gave some medicine to relax his muscles making him to be too relax and Hosanna had just chuckled as Yamamoto is asleep now. Mr. Yamamoto picked him up and laughs in his mind really at what had happened to his son fully.

"He should have expected that to happen really." Gokudera fully apologized and Mr. Yamamoto doesn't mind as he tucks his son in once they got home as Hosanna went to sleep as she was fully just exhausted from that day really.

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