Chapter 51

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Everyone comes in as you and Kyoya were holding the twins

"What's their names?" Sora asks as she was jumping up and down

"Akira and Adrian."

Alex walked over holding angel

"Awww they are so cute." Alex says smiling at them and angel giggled happily

"Yeah they are." Kyoya says smiling


You and Kyoya got home and you went to sleep as Kyoya put all the kids to sleep and Alex helped him

"How is mom not exhausted taking care of all these kids

"Trust me she is exhausted but she wanted 5 kids but we got 6 and her being exhausted to her is worth it." 

"Dad how many kids did you want?"

"I just wanted to do what y/n wanted ever since high school when we first got together I just wanted to do whatever would make her happy."

"But what about what you want."

"Alex when you fall in love with a girl one day you'll understand."

Alex nods

"Oh ok how do I know if I'm in love?"

"Well you just wanna be around that person you think of them all the time."

"Can that also be a friendly thing?"

"I don't know I'm just explaining how it was when I feel in love with your mother I never felt that way towards any friends I had." Kyoya says and Alex nods

"Because I like being around naomi and I think about her a lot."

"Look Alex love shouldn't be on your mind getting better should be your not dating until a least 3 years until now." Kyoya says Alex nodded as ayato wouldn't let go of him even though he was fast asleep

"I understand dad."

Kyoya takes ayato and puts him in his bed

"Anyways since the twins have been born your gonna need to help a lot of course naomi has offered to help you with your siblings as me and your mother mostly take care of angel and the new twins." Kyoya says and Alex nodded as he smiled when Kyoya mentioned naomis name


*I'm very confused how I feel about naomi but like my dad has said they don't matter my recovery does after my recovery then they can matter*

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