The Jurors

139 17 4



The eyes of knowledge shall dispel
The darkness of ignorance, your art shall quench,
The thirst of the spectators with the elixir
but, a drop of poison shall degrade your worth in all spheres.



Quality & Resolution
(Is the cover of high quality and not pixelated/blurry?)
— 20%

Thematic Relevance
(Is the design appropriate for the prompt the designer chose? Did the designer have a good grasp of the theme?)
— 25%

Aesthetic Merit and Creativity
(How innovative is the design and technique used? How does this design look? Does it look organized and neat? Not messy and all over the place?)
— 30%

Emotional quotient
(Does the design create a sense of enjoyment, satisfaction, an urge to read the book?)
— 25%

TOTAL: 100%


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