Then Y/n walked into my room.

"And you tell me to go to sleep?" She said.

"Yes I did and you're sick! You need rest!" I said. She pouted.

"I can't sleep." She said.

"Did you try?" I said. I sound like mom.

"Its the middle of the night! Yes I tried." She said.

"Okay... well- oof!" She whacked me in the face with a pillow. "Hey!"

"That's for telling me what to do!" She said and stuck our her tongue.

"You're on!" I said. The pillow fight went on for... quite a bit... when we both sat down on the bed and I got a text from Alex.

Justyouwait: U still there?
Justyouwait: Welp bye.

Justyouwait went offline

I looked down to see Y/n asleep on the edge of the bed. I just picked her up, put her on the beanbag, and got in my bed.

Super baby timeskip to morning

I woke up to snickering at my door. I looked around and saw that I'd fallen out of bed and onto the beanbag. I looked up, finally, to see Gil recording, and Pegs doubled over trying not to laugh.

"It looks like you two have gotten closer in the past few days huh?" Snickered Gil. Then finally, Y/n woke up.

"Wha... where am.. OH STOP LAUGHING YOU TWO!" She said, throwing a pillow and hitting peggy square in the face. Peggy let out a small 'Oof!'

"I- I- guess I f- fell-" but Y/n had gotten up. She just straight up slapped the guy! Literally! She got up, and slapped him!

"Ow! That hurt!" He turned to Peggy. She was laughing even harder now. "Well you guys need to get dressed! Y/n, we got you clothes and your toothbrush. school is starting soon! Hurry!" He said, going out the door.

"I'm gonna go change, be right back!" And she ran to the bathroom.

Another timeskip because writers block


We were at school. I walked over to my locker, I had memorized where it was. I just told myself, look for the jerk guy. I found him pretty quick. So did John. He clenched his fists. I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked away. I pulled my hand away too. Smart move, idiot. As soon as we got there, Charles couldn't help being his jerky self.

"Hey, you gonna let your girlfriend go fight for you while you cry in the corner?" He said. Oh not this time.

"I'm gonna kill this guy." I said so casually it was as if I were saying: 'I'm going to class'.

"Nooo you're not." Said John, grabbing the back of my hoodie and pulling me back.

"Whyyyy?" I said, pouting.

"Too many witnesses." He whispered. I nodded. "Oh we gotta get to class." Said John.

"Oh right!" I said. We walked down the hall until I heard fighting from an empty classroom.


"Please don't make me do this!" Said the second, sounding scared.

"Just do it to the new girl! She doesn't know anything!" Said the first voice again.

"I don't want to please!"


"Fine." Then they both walked out. A boy I'd never seen before, and... Angelica? (WeRk) I hadn't expected Angelica to be one to yell like that. Then, the boy, I assumed Thomas, placed a grabbed my waist. I immediately looked up. FAR up. He was very very tall. "Hey." He said. Tears seemed to be in his eyes. I felt sorry until his hand started to slip down my waist. Further that my waist.

"Okay... umm...." I said. Taking his hand off my waist. "How about... you tell me what you were fighting about, and you... don't that again?" I said.

"Oh yes PLEASE I didn't want to do that! I'm almost as gay and Mariah is lesbian!" Said Thomas.

"First of all, Mariah is lesbian?" I said. Everybody nodded. "Okay... second of all, almost?"

"Oh yeah," said a nearby boy. "Nobody beats Mariah's gayness level."

"Shoo Samuel!" Said Angelica, waving her hand. He walked away.

"Well I need to get to class, bye Angie, bye Thomas." Then I realized somebody stating at him over a book. He was short with chocolate skin. He was blushing a little too. I walked over to him. I didn't say anything but smirked. Then I walked away. John and I walked into class but it seemed that nobody was there.

A/n Okay welp. I guess this chapter was good, but washingmachine has something to do with this :3

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