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"Y/N! Y/N M/N LAFFAYETTE GET DOWN HERE!" Oh no... I thought. It was 3am and I'd had been up scrolling through instagram.

"Dont make me repeat myself!" Father called. He must be drunk again...

"I'm coming father!" I called. I knew that if I came any later he would use the belt. I shuddered at the thought. I ran downstairs.

"Yes father?"

"How many times do I have to tell you!" He scowled stumbling across the kitchen "You come down when I call you" He raised his hand and punched her in the face.

"Yes father" I whispered

"Your grades *hic* are tremendous! Get them up by friday or..." He let the sentence hang. I already knew what would happen. And I'd had enough. I packed everything I needed. My (old) phone, a nearly broken charger, a sweatshirt, an apple, and finally, a picture if her entire family, United. Together. She looked at her brother, tears filling in her eyes she looked at his curly brown hair. I threw on a F/c coat and lastly, I went into father's room. He was asleep, and probably would be for a while. I scanned the room for even a dollar. I found only ten dollars, but that would be enough (puns intended >:3) Goodbye I thought. Then I climbed out of the kitchen window.

I took one last look at the house. Then I walked down the street. I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere was better than here. I had walked about a mile when I got really REALLY hungry. I took out my apple and ate it as slowly as possible. When it was finished I walked to a nearbby cafe and threw it away and I saw 3 girls laughing and talking about this kid named Alexander Hamilton. I knew I should have stayed out of it but my curiosity got the best of me.

"They should be here by now" Said the tallest of the three girls. She had very curly hair.

"I know! It's quarter to three! They should've been here 15 minutes ago!" Said the girl with straight hair down to her waist. But one word really caught me off gaurd.

"Laffayette is driving, John just texted me" Said the smallest of the girls. My jaw dropped

"Oh" They said in sync

"JINX" Said the tallest "You owe me a latte!" I walked over to them and with att that I could, I uttered a small "Hello"

"Hi!" Said the smallest one.

"Why are you here?" Said the tallest

"Angie! Be nice!" Said the middle girl "I'm sorry about her, what's your name?"

"Y/n. Y/n Laffayette." I said. The girls gasped. "What?" I said.

"Y/n Laffayette? As in Gilbert's brother, Y/n?" Said the smallest one.

"G- Gilbert is alive?" I stuttered

"HE LIVES RIGHT NEXT TO US IN A FOSTER HOME!" Said the middle girl. Come to think of it I didnt know their names.

"I'm sorry, what are your names?"

"I'm Angelica." The tallest said, a lot warmer than the first time

"I'm Elizabeth!" Said the middle one. "But everybody calls me Eliza!"

"AND IM PEGGY" Said the smallest one.

"Shhhh!" Said Angelica "You're so loud!"

"Anyways," Said Eliza "Back to the main topic, we have to let Laf know!"
And as if on que, I saw A short guy burst in.


"WHERE IS LAF?!" Peggy yelled, shaking the boy.

"Woah woah calm down, Pegs, you're going to shake Alex's- How you say? BRAINS" Then he looked up. "Y/n?"

I looked up from the boy, I assumed was Alex, and saw him. My brother. Gilbert. "Gil?"

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