Blizzards and Turtles

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN Y/N?!" Screamed Gil. He sounded like Mrs. Weasley.

"I just got some fresh air?" I had to lie. I couldn't just say 'Oh I went to John's house." No.

"We looked on the porch and you weren't there!" Said Alex.

"Ugh." I said.

"Please tell us where you were Y/n, we were worried." Said Gil. "Please?" And then it happened. The puppy eyes. No. No. Not this time. Ahhhhh dang it.

"Fine! But I have to find a way to be immune to that." Gil smirked. "I went to John's house." I muttered.


"Okay and were just going to ignore the fact that you were staring at Pegs like she was a pizza?" I snapped. (I was going to do Mullette but I have an idea :3)

"Come to think of it I'm hungry." Said Alex.

"Yeah let's eat. Why dont we order in pizza?" Gil said.

"What is it with you and pizza?"

"Its good. And I get mini bagguettes on the side!"

"Mon ami," I said laughing. "Those are bread sticks." Gil ket out a small 'hmph.' Gil ordered the pizza and a girl in a red shirt with curly brown hair delivered it.

"Order for Gilbert Laffayette? Oh hey Gil!" She said, looking up.

"Bonjour!" He yelled from the couch.

"So you know him?" Said the girl.

"Yes, I'm his sister mon ami, of course I know him!" I said.

"Oh I'm so glad he found you! I'm Mariah Reynolds! And you?"

"Y/n," I said. "Y/n Laffayette."

"Well it was great meeting you! I'll see you at school tomorrow?" She said. Oh. I'd forgotten about school.

"Probably! Goodbye!" I said, handing her the money.

"Bye!" Okay, wow. School. I forgot about that.

"Pizza!" Yelled Alex. We sat down and opened the box. Cheese pizza, nice.

"Gil," I finally said. "What school am I going to?"

"Lin Manuel Miranda high!" He said.

"Okay, but, I feel like.... everybody likes the schuylers right?" I said, quietly.

"Hiw can you not? Angie's smart, Ellie's pretty, and Pegs... you can't not like her!" Said Gil.

"Exactly. I'm nothing like them! I dont gave cool clothes or any kind of smart... the only clothes I have are a t-shirt that says 'I'm a taco' and a sweatshirt. Plus I'm not smart. At all."

"Oh please, your smarter than Gil!" Said Alex.

"Hey!" Said Gil.

"My point is you're amazing, and everybody knows that." Said Alex.

"Not John." I didn't mean for anybody to hear it, but Alex did.

"Why do you care so much about what John thinks?" Said Alex. Haha. Nope. I stared at the last piece of pizza. I needed to get them back. I stole the last paice and shoved it into my mouth.

"I was going to eat that!" Said Gil. I took off a small peice of cheese and flung it at him. "Hey!"

"OKAY admit that you like John." Said Alex.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'P'.

"We know you do mon ami." Said Gil.

"Okay, process this. Say it with me. Y/n."

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