The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," I said. "She told me that people would always make fun of her since she had curly red hair and freckles. She said that sometimes they would even start singing 'Tomorrow.' It annoyed the heck out of her."

There was silence on the other end of the line, and then, suddenly, Jessica started laughing. She laughed and laughed, the absolute mirth in her voice something I had never heard from her before.

"Yeah," Jessica admitted, "everyone used to call her Annie, but I was the only one who ever did that."

Now I was sure. This was something I was certain of because Birdie had helped me realize that I can read people.

"You loved her," I said.


"O-of course I did," Jessica said, trying not to stumble over her words. "That's why I was so harsh when I told you she died. 'She's not coming back.' I'd never been that blunt with a child before; I guess I was trying to get it through to myself, too.
"I loved your mother, and I loved Emily. They were two of my best friends."

"No," I said plainly. She knew what I meant; she was just trying to get around it. "Not like that. You were in love with her, weren't you? That's why I had never met you before."

Jessica was silent for a good minute before she finally spoke up. "I kept tabs on the two of you over the years, you know? I never got involved; just watched from a distance. Annie was still mad at me.
"Thanks to me, the only family she had left was Casey, and eventually, even he was gone. I figured if I left, she could reach out to her parents again and get their help. Maybe if I was gone, they'd take her back. It would make things easier for her. I knew how much she missed them, even though she would never admit it. She hated and loved them all at once.
"After she died, and I found out that she had never contacted them... I was wicked angry. Annie had always been stubborn; so it was all for nothing. The worst part is that if I'd been there, then she might still be alive. Instead, she spent all those years doing things the hard way.
"If I had stayed... Instead, she died hating me. I remember when I told her I was leaving for her... she started crying and yelling. She begged me to stay, but I was convinced that leaving was the right thing to do. Then she ripped off the necklace I'd given her a few years back as a birthday gift. She threw it on the ground, and she told me she hated me. It was the biggest mistake I ever made."

"Was it a locket?" I asked.


"A silver locket with a peridot stone in the middle?" I said. "Mom wore it all the time. She never took it off no matter how many times I told her it was ugly. No offense."

For a while, I couldn't hear anything on the other end of the line, not even Jessica's breathing. Then Jessica started laughing. There was both hurt and relief in that laughter, and eventually, it died down.

"None taken," she said, her voice tight as she did her best not to cry. "I know you called me for answers, and I hope I helped you as best I could, but... thank you. Thank you so much."

"It's no big deal," I said despite the pain I felt in my heart right then. I hadn't missed my mom so much since she'd passed all those years ago.

"No, it is," Jessica said. "Thanks, kid. And do me a favor, will you?"

"What?" I asked curiously.

"When it comes between listening to your head and listening to your heart, always choose your heart. Otherwise, you'll regret it forever."

I smiled. "Thanks for the advice."

"It's no big deal," she said in kind. "Good luck with everything... Goodbye, Piper."

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