Mikey and his mate

Start from the beginning

Gerard sees this and pulls me into a hug. One hand around head and one holding my back so I'm snuggled into his bare chest. 'Shhhh. It's ok.' I start to feel my heart slow down to a comfortable pace yet still I don't leave a his embrace.

I feel safe here, his protective hands saving me from my own demons. 'Thanks Gee.' He parts my head. 'Im always here for you.' I pull away slowly. 'I know.'

I steal a glance at his paler torso, his athletic body making me blush so I snap my eyes away and onto the red walls at the side of me. 'My brother is visiting today.' A brother? He never mentioned a bother before today. What if he's like Bert? Oh god. I feel dread fill me up.

I tense up. 'Hey it's ok, it's nice. He's also bringing his mate, called Abigail I think.' He scratches his head and smiles. I feel better but I still have this tightness in my stomach, I guess I have trust issues since is whole ordeal.

The vampire elegantly swoops off the bed, walks around the black posts before stoping in front of me and offering his hand. I take it and he leads me to the kitchen. I notice the window that I escaped from is now locked, the key nowhere to be seen.

He opens up the silver fridge and pulls out waffles with a bottle of syrup. He places them down onto the table me to me. 'Help yourself.' He then starts to walk out of the room. 'What are you having?' I ask with a confused look.

He shows me a glimpse of his fangs. 'Im going to catch mine.' I realise he's going to find someone's blood to dead one. I stay silent but bob my head felt him know I understand.

I don't like to think about Gerard killing innocent people for food but it's something I have to get used to. But when it gets down to it, he needs human blood to survive.

'Im sorry, it's what I am.' I smile. 'No I understand.' He sighs before walking out and around the corner, out of sight.

I go back to my waffles which I lather in syrup. As I start to cut the batter open I hear the door lock behind him. My head shoots up, I'm pretty jumpy seen as my encounter last night.

Those red eyes trapped in my head. Bert's evil grin mocking at my vulnerability, my human-ness. The cruel skill and hard punch that flattened me to the floor.

I take my mind off all the heartache with the soft creamy waffle that makes me moan when the sweetness hits my tongue. It takes me back to when I was younger. My mom would bake me home made waffles after a bad day at school. They always seem to cheer me up.

After I finish breakfast I go and get a shower before changing into a clean shirt and jeans. Placing my dirty ones on the bed. I put on one of Gerard's jumpers because of the cold, it has his mysterious scent.

I hear the door unlock and swing open. I edge out the door and walk down the corridor towards the day light and the chattering voices.

'Shut up Mikey! Stop interrogating him!' A loud girls voice booms through the house yet I can't see the person saying it. 'Im just asking about lover boy!' I'm guessing that's Mikey. I walk around the corner and see the three people taking off their shoes.

Gerard stands to the right, the tallest of the three. Next to him stands a very tall girl with black long hair and big eyes that are lined with thick black eyeliner. Then a slim guy who looks a tiny bit like Gerard only not as attractive. (In my opinion. I'm sure this girl finds him extremely attractive.) he has a cute face.

'Hi?' I ask shyly. Gerard smiles. 'This is Frank.' I blush under their glares. 'Oh wow Gerard!' Abi laughs, I notice her fangs. 'So is he your mate?' Mikey asks. Gerard looks at me, he knows I don't love him, he knows I never will. 'No. No he's not.'

But for some reason this hurts me. Like a knife to my heart. Do I want to be his mate? Of course not...well no...maybe.
Yes. I do.

'Oh..ok.' Mikey shrugs before walking towards me. 'Im Mikey and this is my Girlfriend Abigail.' She stands taller than me. 'Hey, I like your tattoos.' I laugh nervously As I'm asked thousands of questions at once by this couple. 'How old are you?' 'Were do you come from.' 'Do you love Gerard.'

I see Gerard laugh. 'Leave him alone.' Mikey moans but steps back. Abi looks me up and down. 'Gerard you done good.' I blush a deep red. 'Well hands of Abi, he's mine.' Gerard warns her. I feel like a piece if meat but I actually kind of like it.

'He's beautiful.' Gerard smiles at me, behind the couple in front of him. I smile back. 'Im 24, lived in Newark, and Gerard is an awesome guy. He is the first vampire I ever met.' I see Gerard cringe at my words.

'What? You're not a vampire?!' Mikey gasps. Oh shit. Gerard's hiding his face. 'Um no...Gerard kidnaped me.......but I'm ok with it. I think' Mikey turns to his brother. 'You fucking idiot.' He slaps him on the head. Abi just sighs. 'Why do you have to have a human mate? Why can't you be like the test of us?' She asks him.

'Aren't you gonna bite him to turn him?' Mikey asks, like I'm not in the room. 'W..what?' Gerard said nothing about biting.. Or me becoming a vampire. 'Gerard?...' He looks at me with sympathy. 'Well he doesn't love me so I can't...I won't.' This helps me breath again.

'Lets eat dinner shall we.' Gerard leads them into the dinning room, leading them in front, pretending to shoot them in the head, he's behind them so I can only see.

I laugh. And follow them. We sit at the long table and Gerard brings In a giant platter and rests it on the oak table. Abi licks her lips as he pulls off the lid. All of a sudden I feel very sick.

A banquet....made of hearts and A LOT of blood. Just a red mess that used to be a human. Mikey makes a content noise at the sick but I run out if the room and straight to the bathroom.

I lean over the white toilet and haul up my insides. The stench was the bad part. But knowing it once was a human was worse. Once I'm done I slowly stand up and look on the giant mirror. My eyes are red and puffy. Hair longer than it should be.

I sigh at the reflection before walking into the bedroom, jumping onto the bed with a thump. I close my tired eyes to rest.


'Frank?' I wake up to see Gerard hovering above me, his voice soft, his face upset. 'I'm so sorry Frank. It was all my fault. I didn't think.' He looks close to tears. His hands lay either side of my shoulders. His face about a meter up from mine.

'Its fine.' It's not, who does that? Yeah wait....a fucking vampire! I sound annoyed and Gerard knows. 'Its who I am..I'm sorry.' I don't look at him, I turn my head to the side.

'And about the turning you into a vampire thing....' I notice he's crying and whimpering above me. 'Ive followed you for most of my life, but it's a rule. If it is your one true love, your one mate....they love you back. If you don't then...then..I was wrong. You're not my mate.'

He breaks down. I look up at him. 'Im sorry.' I whisper. Gerard has spent his whole life tracking me, and I don't love him, he's wasted two centuries. He falls to the side of me. 'I'll let you out I the morning.' And with that it all goes silent. His voice emotionless.

'What about bert?' I ask, scared. He shrugs. 'Im sure you will be fine.' I suddenly feel very cold, like I'm not protected. 'HE COULD KILL ME.' I scream at his back that's turned away from me. 'I don't care.' He mumbles.

I start to panic. 'But...you said you would protect me.' 'That was when I thought you were my mate.' I lay back down and cry myself to sleep, tomorrow I die.

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