The serpent in my head, the warmth in your bed

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'Help! HELP!' I scream as the chain around my foot gets tighter and tighter. Scratching at the tender skin in my ankle. I can't see anything. I'm in complete darkness surrounded by the frightening unknown. All I know is that I'm chained, bounded by my feet to some type of lock behind me.

Then I hear something hiss viciously by my side. Jumping away I try to scramble free. 'HELP!' My chains tighten forcing me to fall flat to the floor. My chest hitting the hard floor. Winded, I don't move.

I feel something move onto my back, it slithers with sharp scales that nip my shirt and skin. My heart pounds as I feel it slowly move up my back until it is close to my head.

'Frank.' It hisses faintly, I can hear it's tongue spit and shake. I twist my head to be met with a snake, demon red glowing eyes. 'P..please.' I cry. The snake slithers closer to my hair line. 'Are you scared Frank?' It almost chuckles at my panicking eyes.

Before I can stop it the serpents fangs have impaled my neck, blood drips down and onto the floor. 'Stop.' I sob, head flat to the floor. 'I'm you Frank. I'm all those years letting people suck the life at of you. All your money, your love. You are pathetic. How can I stop?'

Screaming into the ground, my fists clench up, praying for humiliation to stop. 'Emily, James, Gerard. They all feed off of you.' It mocks me as I cry. 'So did Peter too.'

Anger shoots through. My body twists as I grab the snake by its neck. 'Don't you ever talk about Peter again! Understand?' I squeeze tighter, tears escaping my eyes. 'He only stayed with you because he felt sorry for you, you pathetic son of a bitch!' The snake hisses venom into my face. The bitter words stinging me.

'He didn't! Leave him alone! you're the one that killed him!' I scream in agony directly at the creature that seems to enjoy the way I'm exploding. 'You see, to be forgetting I am you! He didn't love you. No one can ever love you!' It chokes out its finally breaths before hanging dead in my hands.

My seconds of relief fade when I see a body laid on the floor next to me. Head rests on my leg. His Crimson blood dripping from my hands.

'Peter?!' I shoot up. In the darkness stands a young boy that I identify as my younger self. He looks at the person in horror, then at me. 'I didn't mean to..' I try to explain but he screams. 'YOU MONSTER!' I drop the dead head to the floor, trying to run to the heart broken boy yet I'm stuck to the chains.

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to.. I'm so sorry.'

I didn't mean to. It was November the 4th, I was 9. I was a very lonely child from the start, isolated from what seemed like the word. The other kids hated me, always either hurt me or pretended like I didn't exist. The latter wasn't as bad because at least it wasn't physical pain. But if was mental pain that long term caused me damage.

I still can't really connect with people easily. I've always been an outcast.

My mom wouldn't set me up on play date after play date but I was never good enough. I would always be abandoned underneath my old oak tree, crying my eyes out. Wondering why I wasn't normal, why I wasn't good enough. Why I was so much of a repellent to the out side world.

I began to grow up but I was still alone. My 8th birthday party was me, mom and my one friend Peter. I loved him more than life. Finally I had someone who liked me, maybe I wasn't as bad as I thought I was.

Peter was kind, shy, placid but I didn't mind. I could just sit and talk to him in the meadow near my house. I even showed him my special oak tree that no one else knew about. As our friendship grew his health deteriorated. As a child I didn't understand that the 'little group of cells' in his brain was killing him. How was I to know?

One day I walked around to his house, knocked on his door. The now bald Peter answered the door. He said he couldn't come out because he was very ill but I convinced him fresh air would do him good. After all, mummy always said fresh air is great for you.

We climbed to the oak tree about a mile away from his house. He was wheezing and coughing a bit so I helped him up on the branch. He lent on my shoulder, not saying a word. I thought he was having a nap. His skin was as pale as snow, eyes glazed with heavy stormy clouds. His head looked to heavy for his body. 'Frank....' I turned to my left to see him gasp for air on final time before his eyes shut.

Forever. I shook him, shouted at him. I didn't understand. That was until a week later when his body was laying in a black coffin. He died and it was all my fault. Since then I've hated myself so much. Like a serpent in my head, twisting my thoughts and emotions. Punishing me for my murder. My murder of poor innocent Peter.

That's when I wanted to die. Aged 9 and I wanted to die, I thought I was unsafe, that I would hurt everyone around me. I used to sit at that tree sobbing for days.

Luckily my mom was amazing, she pulled me through all the sadness, anger and self hatred. Sometimes I still think or dream about him; it makes me hate myself but I don't want to die. That's thanks to my amazing mom and now Gerard. I'm not alone anymore, I don't have to deal with Peter alone.

I can feel his warmth around me, it lets me know Im finally loved. He's still asleep in his embrace, our naked bodies intertwined. My neck still hurts a little but I'm too tired to care. I look at his hand interlinked with my fingers. What shocks me is the paleness of them. I'm almost as white as him. Wait. I'm a vampire.

This is reality, I'm one of him, a vampire. My tongue darts around my mouth, unsurprisingly a pair of fangs scratch it lightly. My hair has gone from a dark brown to midnight black. Unfortunately I'm no taller but I guess that's never going to happen.

'Morning beautiful.' He slurs as he wakes up. Arms clutching at my back. 'I'm a vampire, and I'm as cool as you.' I giggle as he buries his face into my bare chest. 'Frank thats never going to happen.'

AN: I know it's short but I'm going away for a week so I may not be able to update for 7-9 days but not worry I'm going to write ASAP. :3

Just another Frerard vampire story...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora