Paperjam x Fresh ~Naj AU~

Start from the beginning

"Freshy, sweetheart! Are you alright?" When looking at his boyfriend, Fresh felt all this stress and anxiety that he had bottled up all day long. All this fear he had felt only a few minutes just came out. Seeing PJ's gentle gaze on him, filled with worry.... He couldn't take it anymore. He broke down, practically jumping at the jock, wrapping his arms around his neck while letting his tears flow into the crock of his neck. PJ returned the hug with so much confusion and worry. "Fresh--" "Oh PJ, what are we going to do? We're going to be in so much trouble!" The taller moved his boyfriend by his shoulders to look at him in the eyes. "What are you talking about? Is it because of that threat just now? Then don't worry about it, I'm sure they won't tell a teacher and even if... I was only protecting you!" Fresh shook his head, tears still streaming across his cheeks. "N-No, I'm talking about this!" He grabbed the jocks hand and placed it on his stomach, tightening his grib in fear of what he was going to say. PJ didn't get it at fist, so Fresh decided to be a little more direct. "PJ.... I-I-I am.... I-I'm.... p-pregnant..." The taller's eyes windend in shook, completely surprised by the new given info. But nevertheless, a big smile grew across his face.

He pulled him up and into a tight hug, only to pick him up by his waist and spinning him around afterwards." YES!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Omg! Freshy, I love you so much!" Fresh only blinked in surprise. "Wait.... You're not mad?" PJ stopped spinning him and instead cupped his cheeks in his hands and giving him a gentle kiss. "Mad? Why the f*ck would I be mad?! This is amazing! I always wanted you to be the one to bear my children and now.... That little fantasy of mine will actually come true!" Fresh teared up, happy that his lover wasn't mad at him for this but he was still scared about what everyone else was going to think, especially PJ's family.

"B-But what about our families? Even if you aren't mad, I'm sure they will at least not be happy about this. We're still in high school after all." PJ wiped some tears away with his thump, looking at Fresh with nothing but love and admiration. "Fresh, listen to me. Even if they are, that won't change a single thing. I love you and I want nothing more than to be with you for the rest of my life. And I'm going to gratuate in a few months anyway, so you don't have to worry about that. Just relax and leave everything else to me, alright?" The smaller sniffed and wiped his eyes to stop himself from crying, even if it didn't help much, then he nodded, deciding to thrust the love of his life. "Alright...."

~little Bonus part, because you had to wait so long for an update~

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~little Bonus part, because you had to wait so long for an update~

"Okay, you two. Why did you ask all of us here?" Ask Ink with a raised eyebrow. Fresh and PJ had asked their families to meet up because they had, quote on quote, "something very very important" to tell them all. It was the weekend after Fresh had told PJ he was pregnant and they both decided, that it would be best to tell the other's at the same time on a none-schoolnight. That why they chose the next Saturday evening. Parent at that little evening were: Error, Ink, Cil, Pallate, Goth and Cray. (I'm sorry if I left someone out but I'm not sure if Fresh has parents in this universe.)

Fresh took a shaky breath to calm his nerves. He was still scared what everyone would say. PJ noticed this and put his lightly larger hand on top of his, stroking it with his thump and silently telling him that everything will be fine. They both nodded at each other and went up front, to stand in front everyone sitting oth the couch in front of them. "W-Well, w-we asked you all to come here, b-because we have something important to say." Fresh stammered, not really knowing how to start this. "Yeah, we already get that, what is it?" Cil asked curiously. "F-First, you all have to promise not to get that mad... B-But who am I kidding? You guys are going to freak out and... and then you will yell... and everything will be complicated! And.... and..... and...." Fresh hyperventilated. He was so scared. Luckily, he had PJ by his side, who took his trembling hand in his to calm him and continued to explain himself.

"Wow, big bro! Why are you so stressed? It's not like the world is going to split in two, is it?" Cray tried to joke around, making everyone laugh, even Fresh felt a slight weight from his shoulder leave. Once they all have went quiet again, PJ decided to get this over with a soon as possible. "Well... No, the world isn't splitting in two but what we're about to tell you guys will still change a lot of things." The group tilted their heads. "What is it? Did you two get married without our knowing?"

The couple blushed at that comment, both of them realizing that marriage was probably going to be the next step either before or after the baby was there. "No! Well, not quite! You see...." PJ looked down at his partner, they nodded at each other before saying what needed to be said in sinc. "Guys.... We're going to have a baby...." Fresh closed his eyes, ready to be yelled at while PJ's hand tightened around his.

Everything fell silent, not a single sound was made and their eyes went wide. "Wait... So... Fresh.... T-That means... you're..." The addressed one peeked an eye open and nodded. "Y-Yes.... I'm pregnant... We weren't careful enough and.... it just happened...... Please don't be mad...." He dropped his head in guilt, ready to receive any yelling, insults or worse: slapping. But that, of course, never came. Instead, the couple was trapped in a big group hug and everyone gave their gratulations. "Wait, so you guys are not..." They all shook their heads, giving a big smile. "Of course we're not. We would never be upset about something like that." Ink reassured. Cray and Cil pulling Fresh into a hug again. "We're going to be uncles!" They all laughed, while Error trapped his oldest son on a noggie hug. "Ugh, Dad!" He complained. "Of course, it will be a little complicated because of school and all but... We'll manage somehow." Error released PJ from his hug and then hugged Fresh. Everyone else soon joining in. "Wow, and I thought Pallate and Goth were going to be the first to have a child." Ink commented, making his son and his soon to be son-in-law blush beyond compare.

Still in the group hug, PJ and Fresh made eye contact and they smiled at each other. Their gaze showed nothing but happiness and neverending love. Now that everything was settled and they knew there will be no consequences from their families, they just couldn't wait to welcome the newest family member.


Alright. Done with another one.

I made this one a little longer because you had to wait for it so long.

And I hate to do this. But I might have to put this one one on a small 'On hold'

Or at least in a 'slow update'

It's just that I've slipped out of the undertale fandom and it's easier for me to write if I'm inside a fandom.

I'll work on this book if I have ideas and time for it.

And there are also some books that are still 'invisible' for you guys and that I'll be working on.

If course, you can still request ships/scenarios if you want.

Anyway, Bye~

❤️Love you all ❤️

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